Field Trip to the Perot Museum in Dallas - Joanna Cinnamon
Perot Museum
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Field Trip to the Perot Museum in Dallas

Field Trip to the Perot Museum in Dallas

The Perot Museum in downtown Dallas, Texas is a public natural history museum.  Since we knew we would be homeschooling this year, we got a yearly membership.  We had been to visit several times, but we are loving the freedom that a membership offers us.  This museum is really big, so there is no way to get in the entire experience in one visit – so a membership seemed a logical place to start!

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

It’s a pretty fascinating museum for kids of all ages, starting even before you enter the doors!  On the walkway up to the entrance is an area set aside for children who can’t resist a little music and a little noise.  Clark and Luci stop here every time to play on several massive xylophones and other interesting “musical instruments.”

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

A little further towards the entrance is the Frog Forest.  I doubt you will notice the tree grove – just the frogs. This is Clark and Luci’s favorite part of the Museum!  I’m not sure if kids are supposed to be climbing all over these frogs, but let me just say this:  Try to stop them!  It’s not happening.

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

This time, we came with some great homeschool friends, whose children are apparently as nutty as my own.  The kids have double the fun with friends.

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

We watched a video on the solar system, surrounded in screens, making you feel like you were in the middle of the universe.  It went through all of the planets, which was a good way to refresh the knowledge that we had covered a couple of months ago.

Fair Warning: The Dinosaurs are Just Bones!

Then we had to see the dinosaurs.  Luci was very impressed with the dinosaur footprint, but was not nearly as impressed with the fact that there were no real, live dinosaurs around.  With a sweeping motion of her arm, she declared in absolute disgust, “Those are just BONES!  That’s all that them’s are!”

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas
Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas
Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

The Museum managed to redeem itself with puzzles.  Luci LOOOOOOOVES puzzles of any sort and there were several for her to choose from.  She pieced together some dinosaur bone puzzles and then put together a magnetic puzzle of dinosaurs on the wall.  She was pretty proud of herself!

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas
Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

Clark Finally Has the Opportunity to Fly

The next exhibit was the bird exhibit, which we had never gone to see before!  This was magical for Clark because it is his biggest dream to be able to fly.  He dreams of flying, he practices flying by jumping off anything and everything while flapping his arms madly…  he hasn’t figured it out yet, but I’m sure he will!

In the bird exhibit, he was able to simulate an eagle flying by moving his body and flapping his arms as wings. It was about the closest he has come to flying and it was pretty cool!

We learned a lot about birds, even how it would be to have a beak and have to pick up your own food.  We used spoons and salad tongs to pick up pom poms and it wasn’t easy to do!

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

After a snack, we spent some time in the Children’s area, which is literally heaven on earth for kids.  For Clark and Luci, it’s a fantasy land no matter where you look with different sections of their favorite things to do. There’s a campground, a climbing structure that looks like the city of Dallas and a fully equipped farmer’s market.  What did my kids choose?  Water and sand.

Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas
Field Trip To The Perot Museum In Dallas

In the sandbox, Clark managed to dig up some “dinosaur bones,” which was very exciting!

We ended the day by racing some pretty crazy competitors!  Some famous athletes, a dinosaur, a cheetah and a tyrosaurus!

We had an awesome day.  Clark and Luci are already begging to go back.  Glad we got the yearly membership!

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