Don't miss another homeschool artist study because you didn't have time! Here's your next term's artist study - FREE and ready to go!
george seurat, artist study, homeschool
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Here’s is your next term’s Artist Study – FREE and ready to go!

Don’t miss another Homeschool Artist Study because you didn’t have time!

Dear Homeschooling Mom,

As a homeschooling Mom, one of my core beliefs is that the arts are equally as important as the sciences. If you follow the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education, you will probably recognize her quote:

“We recognize that the power of appreciating art and of producing to some extent an interpretation of what one sees is as universal as intelligence, imagination, nay, speech.” (Volume 6 of the Home Education Series)

Charlotte Mason (Volume 6 of the Home Education Series)

Art (Artist Study or Picture Study, as we tend to call it in our homeschool) is undeniably a source of joy and enjoyment. Yet, despite knowing of it’s importance, I’ve come to realize and acknowledge that it’s also the quickest subject to be scrapped when a day gets crazy (which is often, right?!) Why is this?

Homeschool Artist Study can certainly be overwhelming, especially if you are not the “artsy type.” But I also think that underneath, we may still believe that it’s an “extra,” – one of the “riches.” Our culture in North America, has definitively placed a much higher value on the subjects of math, reading, and writing. Because of this, we tend to place lesser value on the other subjects. The incredible beauty of a Charlotte Mason education, however, is that we educate the whole person. This is why we spread a broad feast – a beautiful array of subjects to cultivate and consume. To miss out on something as universal as art, would be like removing all fruit from the feast. Some may not love fruit, but we all know that it is good for us. We must view each subject as of equal value to a child’s personal growth.

I Needed Artist Study to be Stress-Free and FUN!

Because Artist Study has been an area of struggle for me, I decided last year to make it as easy as possible. I wanted to eliminate all my excuses – and there were plenty! We don’t have time today. I don’t know anything about art. I don’t know how to present the subject., etc. My goal was to create an environment where Artist Study was simple, stress-free, and enjoyable for all of us. So, once the children were in bed and I had a little time, I began putting together some Artist Studies for my children. I researched and organized them, so that all I would have to do was whip out my Artist Study folder, hand the pre-printed picture to my children, read the information, and use the discussion points, if needed.

It worked perfectly! Artist Study quickly became an enjoyable subject. It was effortless and was so easy to slip it into the nooks and crannies of our day. We have not missed another Artist Study because we didn’t have time – or for any other reason! And I am already seeing the results. The last time we were dining at the Cheesecake Factory, my daughter gazed around at the walls and ceilings (at what appeared to be fresco paintings) and declared “Look Mommy! It looks like Michaelangelo’s paintings!”

So here’s my exciting news: I am adapting my Artist Studies for YOU! Wouldn’t you love for it to be this simple and easy? Now you don’t have to miss another Artist Study because you didn’t have time! And, I’m going to give you our first Artist Study for FREE!

Homeschool Artist Study of George Seurat Including a FREE Guide

Our first all-inclusive Artist Study is now available for FREE! It is a homeschool Artist Study of George Seurat, including a FREE guide for Moms and teachers. The guide includes:

  • A short discussion of why we do Artist Study
  • What does Charlotte Mason say about Artist Study?
  • Simple step-by-step instructions on how to do Artist Study
  • A little history about George Seurat’s life and work
  • What is Pointillism?
  • Six of some of Seurat’s most popular paintings in full color, each labelled with the title and dates
  • A description and history of each painting, along with discussion points to be used as needed or desired
  • A list of art projects (links to our website) to incorporate into your Artist Study if desired

Fill out the form below to download your copy. You will see how simple this really can be!

Don’t Go Yet – You’re Going to Need These Six Images

All of the images included are in the public domain. I have arranged them in 8.5″ x 11″ format for easy printing. Download them HERE and print them out on quality matte photo paper for best results.

homeschool artist study

Once you’ve downloaded and printed out your FREE Artist Study of George Seurat above, we have some fun (optional) activities here on our blog, for you and your kids to enjoy. Charlotte Mason never advocates simply copying the artist’s work, but we have found that exploring the artist’s style helps us further relate to the artist and their work. (Plus we just really love art.)

“…these picture studies do not afford much material for actual drawing; they are never copied lest an attempt to copy should lessen a child’s reverence for great work.”  (Vol 6) 

Charlotte Mason (Volume 6, The Home Education Series)

Activities to Incorporate Into Your Artist Study (Totally Optional!)

Don’t get stressed out about these activities. You are in no way required to do these art projects. They are simply available, with simple step-by-step instructions for those of you who have children who want to explore further. If not, the Artist Study is plenty.

homeschool artist study

Since George Seurat was instrumental in pioneering the style of art called Pointillism, we wanted to learn a little more about this style of painting. And no worries – You will get an overview of pointillism in the Artist Study download. I’ve blogged in more detail about the additional art projects HERE. It includes:

  • Pointillism-Inspired Art for the Younger Years
  • Pointillism-Inspired Art for the Middle Years
  • Pointillism-Inspired Art for the Upper Years (and Mom!)

Whatever you decide to do, don’t miss another homeschool Artist Study because you felt you didn’t have time or because you didn’t feel adequate. As I make more and more of our family’s own Artist Studies available, you will find that you are fully equipped to not only present art to you children, but you will find yourself looking forward to it each week!

Get signed up now! You’ll get the download right away and can get started today!
