How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

I’ve been enjoying the antioxidant drink NingXia Red from Young Living for several years now. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try it, it’s a delicious drink. It’s base is the wolfberry and it contains pure Orange, Yuzu, Lemon and Tangerine essential oils. I drink an ounce or two every morning and afternoon to energize, fortify, and revitalize my body, while supporting overall health and wellness. Even my kids love it!

NingXia Red is far from just another “energy drink,” in fact, I cringe when I hear those words. Although it does provide sustaining energy with the combination of wolfberries and other superfruits, it also contains powerful ingredients which are involved in many antioxidant processes and may help prevent against oxidative stress. Preventing oxidative stress is kind of a big deal when it comes to aging and health! It also delivers citrus essential oils containing d-limonene (take a moment to Google this component – it’s awesome!)

NingXia Red comes in a beautifully shaped glass bottle, which causes the secret hoarder and environmentalist in me to die a little every time I have to toss one out. Honestly, even recycling them doesn’t seem to do them justice. For months, I had been trying to think of how to repurpose my NingXia Red bottles and I finally came up with a crafty idea to do this with a Christmas flair.

What You’ll Need


I started by spray-painting three of the bottles with white paint. I ended up doing two coats because the bottles have lettering on the them and I had no patience to attempt to remove it. It won’t matter in the end, anyways.

Once you’ve printed and cut out your letters J-O-Y, apply Mod Podge to the back of the letters, press them onto the bottle and then Mod Podge the front of them to adhere them into place. Let this dry before continuing.

The next step is to apply Mod Podge to the entire bottle, except for the letter already Mod Podged on and the bottom of the bottle. Let’s see how many times I can say Mod Podge! Carefully sprinkle Epsom Salts onto the bottle, covering it in a healthy coat. Let this dry.

How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

At this point you will find that the Epsom Salts come off the bottle quite easily, so I would advise applying another coat of Mod Podge over the bottle once again. This secures the Epsom Salts in place and prevents a big and certain mess!

While the Mod Podge is still wet, I added a little extra glitter around the neck of the bottles, simply because one can never have too much glitter. I’m going to hate myself later when I find it all over the house.

How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

The final touches will depend on your personal style. I wrapped the neck of the bottles in some red and green thread. A more rustic twine or a dressier ribbon would work just as well. I found some snowflakes and poinsettias at the local craft store for a couple of dollars and glued them in place. Again, this is totally dependent on your own personal style and decor.

How To Repurpose Your Ningxia Red Bottles With A Christmas Flair

And here’s our final product! What do you do with your NingXia Red bottles? Have you found a way to repurpose them? Let me know – I’d love to see them!

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