My Baby Luci is Turning Three! - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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My Baby Luci is Turning Three!

My Baby Luci is Turning Three!

We’ve been very excited for this day for a long time now!  Luci has been counting down the days for over a month!  Today is the day that my Baby Luci is turning three!

We like to do themed birthdays and for the longest time, Luci couldn’t decide what she wanted the theme to be.  She wanted a pink Rapunzel birthday or a Frozen birthday theme but with a pink cake.  It’s all very serious and confusing for a little two year old!  She finally decided in the week before her birthday – she wanted a Frozen birthday with an Elsa cake.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

Luci woke us up early, singing:  “It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday!”  We had been planning to go to the Pumpkin Patch with some friends and she was very excited about this…  but first we had breakfast and some presents to open!

Clark had made a special card for his sister.  He wrote a little note in it and put it on the table for her this morning.  I think this is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  Translation:  “Have a good birthday.  Blow out the candles and make a wish.”

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!
My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

We opened a couple of presents before leaving for the Pumpkin Patch.  Can you tell Luci was kind of excited about them?  She’s a big fan of Elsa and Anna.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!
My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!
My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

I’m not a big fan of including all kids in other kids’ birthdays, but I had given Luci a small gift for Clark’s birthday earlier this year and wouldn’t you know it, he remembered this and fully expected to get a gift of his own today!  So I compromised but made it clear this was not something that was going to continue.  Watching Luci today, it was very clear to me that having a day of their own like this is a big deal and I don’t want to dilute that joy.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

The Pumpkin Patch was a great place for the kids to run around, jump in bounce houses, ride on a hayride, etc.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

Luci hates to have her picture taken.  She will literally be running around laughing and giggling and I ask her to sit for me so I can get a nice birthday picture and this is her face.  So I ask her:  “Why are you making such a sad face?”  She replies:  “Because Grandma and Grandpa aren’t here.”  I think she bonded.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

We took a few little snack packages to give to our friends.  We made Ziplock baggies containing marshmallows, pretzels, chocolate chips and an orange jelly bean.  I made and printed out labels that said “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” and stapled them together.  It was very quick and easy, and the kids loved it.  I don’t think anyone built a snowman, though.  Here’s a link to the label if you would like to make one of your own.  It’s on a sheet with 2 of the labels.  Fold them in half over the opening of the bag and staple them in place.

There were a ton of things for the kids to do, but would you believe it, it was actually getting too hot to cope?!  You can tell by the red cheeks that we’re about done.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

Clark and Luci were actually glad to have a nap this afternoon.  They both took their new toys with them to their beds without any fuss.  I peeked in on them for kisses and found them playing happily.

My Baby Luci Is Turning Three!

They continued to play when they got up (2 hours later!).  We added a little math and reading in there for Clark, so they day wasn’t completely without school…  but that’s a pretty awesome perk of homeschooling!  We can play when we want and work when we want!

Dinner consisted of Luci’s favorite requests which is macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets and Cheetos.  That’s disgraceful isn’t it?  Haha!  I added peas for some semblance of vegetables…

I made Luci’s birthday cake from an Elsa doll.  the skirt came off, so I just stuck her legs into the top of the cake once it was cooked.  She was a little tall for it, but it isn’t terribly obvious.  I then simply covered the cake portion with fondant and put some accents on the skirt with glitter gel icing and some pearls.  Luci absolutely loved it.

This was such an awesome day!  Luci was so excited about every little detail and we enjoyed sharing her joy so much.  I love this little girl to bits!  She is so full of life and character!  She is bursting with humor and love and I feel so lucky to be her Mother!  I get to be on the receiving end of all her big hugs and kisses throughout the day.  Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

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