To the Reluctant Homeschooling Mom, - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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To The Reluctant Homeschooling Mom

To the Reluctant Homeschooling Mom,

It’s been kind of crazy lately, hasn’t it? With all of the changes and challenges we’ve had recently, I’ve been wanting to reach out to you, the hesitant, unprepared, or reluctant Homeschooling Mom. Maybe you were forced into homeschooling by the pandemic, maybe you’ve chosen homeschooling for other reasons, believing it to be the best choice for their families. I’m talking to you today.

One of the best things I’ve seen emerge from this time of stress and uncertainty is a massive, brave, emerging group of proactive parents that are turning to homeschooling. In the past few months, as public school guidelines and regulations have been announced and began to play out, I have had dozens of parents approach me inquiring about homeschooling. I have homeschooled my two children from the beginning – about 6-7 years now. Although I would never claim to be an expert, I am really happy to help anyone who is considering this scary, yet hugely rewarding alternative.

Crisis Schooling is NOT Homeschooling!

Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart, and for you, right now, it may seem like a massive hurdle. Combine it with “pandemic schooling” or any other type of crisis schooling, and you may, very honestly be hating it. I don’t blame you. I would too – but listen! This is not homeschooling! It’s CRISIS SCHOOLING and it sucks! Parents are being called on to do what us Homeschool Moms may have taken months or even years to decide on, organize, and prepare for. Pandemic schooling is NOT homeschooling and it does not need to be your reality.

The truth is homeschooling is living your life, together with your kids, with a higher level of autonomy and freedom. You can be as structured or as unstructured as you like. You can get up when you like and go to bed when you like. You can take vacations whenever you like. You can choose how to educate your children, and what you want them exposed to. It’s going to look drastically different for each family (so don’t compare!) This is the beauty of it!

If you have been considering homeschooling, or if you’re just needing a little nudge, here’s a few steps to get you started.

Step 1

Talk about homeschooling with your partner and your kids.

Homeschooling becomes a lifestyle and it will involve the whole family. Be sure to address all of the homeschooling myths. These myths might be coming from the adults OR the children. The big one always seems to be socialization and seeing their friends.

Step 2

Look up the legalities of withdrawing your kids from public schooling, and homeschooling in your State or Province. The rules will vary dramatically. Here in Texas, we are very fortunate to have a lot of freedom in how we homeschool.

Step 3

Take time to examine your own ideas of what your homeschool will look like. Duplicating public school in the home environment is one way to take on all of the stress and none of the benefits of homeschooling. You don’t need desks and whiteboards and tests to homeschool. Learn the value of the outdoors, child play, nature study and how to incorporate your homeschool experience into your everyday life.

Step 4

Decide if you want to follow a philosophy of education or curriculum. There are many choices and you will need to do your own research to find what will suit your children and family best.

Step 5

Live life on your terms, while being sure to find the joy in the everyday moments with your children, and if things start to get stressful, back off and focus on peace in the home.

I never planned on homeschooling. I never believed I would have the ability or the patience – and quite frankly, I thought it was weird. But life surprises us sometimes, and now, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Now, I’m not going to lie, homeschooling can be HARD. It takes a lot of sacrifice. It takes a commitment from you to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but mostly it takes a lot of love, which is returned in an abundant measure. So if you’ve been considering homeschooling – for whatever reason – I encourage you to TRY IT! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

If you have questions about homeschooling, feel free to reach out to me through my Contact page. I’ll get back to you somewhere between nature hikes and reading!

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