10 Valentines Day Gifts any Homeschool Mom Would Love - Joanna Cinnamon
No matter who you are, I'm going to help you out. Here are 10 Valentines Day gifts any Homeschool Mom would love.
Valentines Day, Homeschool Mom, Homeschool, Gifts
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10 Valentines Day Gifts any Homeschool Mom Would Love

10 Valentines Day Gifts any Homeschool Mom Would Love

If I were to make a generalization, I’d say Moms are some of the most selfless people that exist. Now add to that, Homeschool Moms, and you have some of the most magnanimous, generous, and self-sacrificing souls on the planet. They rarely buy a thing for themselves. It’s always about the children, friends, the homeschool, etc. So listen, friend – whether you are a husband, child, relative, or friend to one of these special women, I’m going to help you out. Here are 10 Valentines Day gifts any Homeschool Mom would love. They work hard and they deserve something that they would never buy for themselves.

Twice a year – on Christmas and on my birthday, my husband and my children get me super-soft, fluffy, warm, cozy slippers. For some reason, these feel like the epitome of luxury to me, and I look forward to them each time. I love to sit with my morning coffee, or cuddled up with my children, reading a book, with these totally extra slippers warming my feet. Find out a Homeschool Mom’s favorite color and get them a pair.

A couple of years ago, I started journaling. It was for myself, but also to keep track of our growth as a homeschool, and the progress of the children. It’s become an essential part of my morning routine. There are all kinds of journals, and everyone’s taste will be a little different. Either way, take the time to find out what your Homeschool Mom loves and get them a couple.

I have an essential oil diffuser in every room of my house. We use essential oils in our homeschool on a daily basis. Despite this, I don’t often consider diffusers to be pretty or cute, so this ball of roses caught my eye. If you know of a Homeschool Mom who loves her essential oils, spoil her with this beautiful diffuser.

Remember how I mentioned how Homeschool Moms never buy anything for themselves? This little mini refrigerator is genius because I know of no Homeschool Mom who owns one. But imagine what a great place it is to hide your snacks, or too keep a couple adult beverages cool. It’s tiny, pink, and cute, and will fit in all kinds of hidden nooks and crannies.

If you don’t follow Half-Baked Harvest over on Instagram, you need to start. Once you get there, you’ll see why and I won’t have to explain myself. I am here to tell you that every recipe that you make of hers will make you look like a brilliant cook. She also has a few cookbooks, such as Half-Baked Harvest Every Day; Recipes for Balanced, Flexible, Feel-Good Meals and they are gorgeous. Get your Homeschool Mom friend one… or go the extra mile and make a recipe out of it for her!

Homeschool Moms can often be found snuggled together on the couch, reading with their children. Nothing makes these moments better than a cozy blanket to snuggle in. But once the kids are happily wrapped, there’s usually only a corner remnant left for Mom, right? Here’s your solution – the blanket hoodie. It’s all yours Mama! Snuggle up!

I hope it’s obvious why I included Sees Candy here. Chocolate may seem cliché, but I’m just here to tell you that quality chocolate is never overdone. Besides, any Mom knows that all we ever get are the bitten remnants of pieces that the kids don’t like. Get this one just for Mom – in fact, you may want to hide it in that mini refrigerator.

A Spa basket is full of all the things Homeschool Moms don’t buy for themselves. They have all of the lotions, moisturizers, bath bombs, and soaps that are extra. We honestly don’t really feel like we have time to use any of them, but if someone bought them for us, we wouldn’t be mad or sad at all.

In contrast to the girlie spa basket, and just to show the great variation in a Homeschool Mom’s experience and repertoire, every Homeschool Mom I know would love a really great hiking backpack. We’re out there with our kids, hiking, wading through streams, tramping through mud – and who do you think’s got the water bottles, snacks, and first aid kit?

10 Valentines Day Gifts Any Homeschool Mom Would Love

This one should have been first. It’s free, and everyone can give it. A day off. Not just breakfast in bed, but a whole day with no responsibility, nothing to do, and make sure there’s nothing for her to catch up on the day after. I promise you, she will not even know what to do, but she’ll love you for it. Forever and always.

Did this help? I hope so! All Moms deserve a little extra thought and consideration every once in a while. Take the time to show how much you love them this Valentines Day!

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