5 Essential Oils to Calm Your Dog During Fireworks - Joanna Cinnamon
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5 Essential Oils To Calm Your Dog During Fireworks

5 Essential Oils to Calm Your Dog During Fireworks

Summer is here! Down here in Texas that means lots of pool time, backyard BBQs, and Friday Night Football, but also crazy weather, violent thunderstorms, and lots of fireworks. While some of us Humans may welcome these things, thunderstorms and fireworks can be terrifying to our animals.

Dogs especially find fireworks to be frightening because they are accompanied with vibrations, sudden flashes of light and a burning scent. Many dogs react by showing signs of fear and anxiety, many will even run away in a panic, to escape the noise.

With the 4th of July soon upon us, I thought it may be useful to look at a few tips that may help to keep your dog calm and safe during the festivities.

Be Prepared

As with most things, most issues can be prevented with a little preparation. Here are a few steps that you can take to protect your dog.

  • Consider taking your dog away from the firework show. Arrange to have them cared for by friends, family, or a pet-sitter for the evening.
  • Know how your pet finds comfort. Is it in his crate? With blankets? Cuddled in your arms? Have these available during the fireworks.
  • Take you dog for a long walk before the fireworks. If your pet is tired out and relaxed, they will have less energy to get excited.
  • Take your pet outside to do his business before fireworks begin, and be sure they are securely inside before the noise starts.
  • Close the windows to block the flashes of light.
  • Play some soothing music that you know your pet will enjoy.

Use Your Essential Oils

If you’ve got ’em, USE ‘EM! Essential oils can be a valuable tool used to calm your pets (and kids!), but be sure to introduce them long before the fireworks start. Start exposure in the days and weeks before the dog encounters fireworks. This way, the dog will begin to associate feelings of calmness and security with the scent of oils. This will also give you the opportunity to learn how your animal reacts to specific essential oils. If you wait until the fireworks start, when anxiety and fear have already taken hold of your dog, it’s going to be very difficult to calm them.

My Top 5 Essential Oils to Calm Your Dog During Fireworks:

  1. Peace & Calming is a gentle, sweet blend that creates a creates a relaxing environment.
  2. Peace & Calming II is an alternate to Peace & Calming that offers the same great experience.
  3. Stress Away is a refreshing and calming blend.
  4. Lavender is a well-recognized, calming scent.
  5. T-Away is formulated with a soothing scent for your animal to support a new level of emotional freedom and joyful feelings.

How to Apply Essential Oils on Your Dog

  1. Rub a drop of essential oil between your hands, then pat your dog on the top of it’s head, over it’s back and sides, avoiding the eyes and inner ears.
  2. Apply one drop behind each ear.
  3. Use a roller bottle and apply to the bottom of your dog’s paws or on the flanks.
  4. Apply a drop or two to your pet’s collar or bandana.
  5. As a general rule, dilute with a carrier oil for smaller species.

It’s also very important that you are a calming influence to your animal. By conveying relaxed energy, and a lot of love, you will communicate to your dog that all is well.

Have a wonderful 4th of July!

Ready to start seeing the incredible benefits of essential oils in your life? I’m here to help you get started – Connect with me here to learn more.

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