A Refreshing Morning at the Splash Park - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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A Refreshing Morning at the Splash Park

A Refreshing Morning at the Splash Park

Seriously.  For my family, this is what homeschooling is all about!  It’s about having the freedom to do what you want, when you want.  I love that we don’t have to worry about getting up at a certain time, or going to bed at a certain time.  I don’t have to arrange my day around when school starts and when it ends.  We don’t have to waste time in car pool lines, and we don’t have to spend our evenings working on homework. Time is valuable and I love that I get to maximize my time with my family.

A Refreshing Morning At The Splash Park

Today, for example, Clark and Luci wanted to go to the splash park.  They’d been asking for a couple of days, but it hadn’t worked out.  We’d had a run of a few pretty hot days, so the splash park actually sounded like fun, so at 8:30 in the morning, as other children were just starting school, we found ourselves at the local splash park.

A Refreshing Morning At The Splash Park
A Refreshing Morning At The Splash Park

It was awesome!  We had the entire splash park all to ourselves for over an hour!  It was like it was our own personal back yard!  I guess all the other families were busy getting their kiddos off to school. In the meantime, we had such a good time!

A Refreshing Morning At The Splash Park

Clark and Luci played for a couple of hours.  I got some work and reading done and got my daily dose of Vitamin D.  By 10:00 other Moms and children started to arrive, so Clark and Luci made some new friends and played for another hour.

Now we can get back to work with our minds and bodies refreshed!  Exercise in the morning makes for a great homeschooling day!

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