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Happy Handicrafts

I was looking forward to creating this paper sloyd doll house chair! It looked like it might be a challenge, but I was eager to see the final result and excited at the idea of making doll house furniture with my daughter.. This model is Supplementary Model #6 from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. There are 14 Supplementary Models tucked in the back of this book. They do not come with pictures of how they will look when assembled, there are no instructions, and they have minimal labeling of measurements....

Today, as part of our paper sloyd adventures, we are going to be learning how to create another paper sloyd silk winder. This project is the fifth supplementary model from the book, Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. Last week, we made our first silk winder, project #4, which was reminiscent of our thread winders from the second year. While there are no suggestions regarding the purpose of the supplementary paper sloyd models in the back of this book, my children and I decided for us, they are for additional practice. It seems...

Aren't celebrations and holidays just the best when you homeschool? They're the perfect opportunity to mix things up, add a little spice, and create lasting memories with your children! This year, for Valentine's Day, we made our Valentine's Day no-sew heart pillows, and now we are going to show you how to make a colorful, enjoyable, and totally unhealthy snack of Valentine's Day cookies and floats. Now, don't judge! We don't do this too often! But every once in a while, it's fun to put together a fun snack that you can incorporate into your...

As a Homeschooling Mom, I kind of love the different celebrations and holidays that pop up every month. I like to use them as an opportunity to celebrate, craft and treat my children to new or fun foods and experiences. So for Valentine's Day this year, we wanted to make something that would add a bright spot to the kids' bedrooms. These Valentine's day no-sew heart pillows seemed to be the perfect choice. They are cheap, very simple to make, and a lovely piece of décor. They would also make delightful Valentine's Day gifts. Materials Needed: 1/2...

Here we are in mid-February, every homeschoolers' favorite month. It's cold outside, too wet and muddy to go outside and enjoy nature. Yet despite the dreary day, we found ourselves eagerly anticipating our handicraft class. The ability to be creative brings a bright spot to our afternoons, and today was no exception. Today we will be making a paper sloyd silk winder. This is the fifth supplementary model from the book, Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. The supplementary models seem to be included as practice. They reflect the skills...

As we near the end of our paper sloyd journey, and enter our third year of paper sloyd, I feel the urge to sit back in my chair, cradling my cup of lukewarm coffee, and smile. We did it! We tackled this mountain and we overcame it! I think back to our first year of homeschooling, not daring to take on this confusing and inexplicably complicated subject with the weird name. And although I trusted Charlotte Mason and her principles, I simply couldn't understand the purpose behind it. We put it off and put it...