Experience The Power Of Lemon Essential Oil - Joanna Cinnamon
You simply can not be in a bad mood when you smell lemon and experience the power of lemon essential oil! Have you tried it?
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Experience The Power Of Lemon Essential Oil

Experience The Power Of Lemon Essential Oil

We are kind of obsessed with essential oils recently. Lemon essential oil is one of our favorites.  It was one of the first essential oils I ever used – probably because of it’s refreshing, invigorating scent.  You can’t help but love it!  I began to diffuse it every morning as an enjoyable, stimulating way to start our homeschool workday.  You simply can not be in a bad mood when you smell lemon and experience the power of lemon essential oil!

Lemon essential oil is probably best known for it’s cleaning abilities, but the benefits go far beyond that!  Lemon essential oil contains large amounts of d-limonene, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Quick review on antioxidants

They are molecules that circulate through the body and inhibit the oxidation of other molecules.  Oxidation can produce free radicals, which in turn can cause extensive damage or death to a cell.  Antioxidants are so important because they can bind to free radicals and stop cellular damage.

Lemon essential oil’s fresh citrus flavor makes a bright, flavorful addition to food and water.  Many of my friends like to add a drop or two to their glass water bottles throughout the day.

Uses for Lemon Essential Oil

I love using lemon essential oil in many of my DIY recipes, especially when it comes to cleaning and purifying.  Lemon packs a powerful punch against heavy grease and any sticky residue.  It makes it a breeze to remove labels from bottles!  A couple of drops will even help rinse out gum from clothes or carpet!  I also use lemon essential oil to clean my produce – it’s safe, fresh and makes the produce last much longer!

All-Natural Laundry Whitener

One of my favorite recipes is for my All-Natural Laundry Whitener.  I recently learned that the bleach that I had been using is completely toxic and allergenic. And since I’m all about simple, effective recipes that can offer a natural way to care for my family, I was excited to try this recipe. I started adding it to my laundry white, and it works beautifully! You have to try it!

Lemon essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils. If you haven’t been introduced to essential oils yet, you need to try them! Shoot me a message through the Contact Us page and we’ll talk!

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