Field Trip to the Fort Worth Zoo - Joanna Cinnamon
This was our first experience with a “Homeschool Day” field trip to the Fort Worth Zoo, and I just have to say WOW! Homeschoolers show up!
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Field Trip to the Fort Worth Zoo

Field Trip to the Fort Worth Zoo

This was our first experience with a “Homeschool Day” field trip to the Fort Worth Zoo, and I just have to say WOW!  Homeschoolers show up!  I have been to the Fort Worth Zoo several times, but I have never seen it so incredibly busy!  Way to go, Homeschoolers!

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

The timing couldn’t have been more perfect because next week is Luci’s birthday and she has been asking to go to the zoo for her birthday.  So, when I saw the Fort Worth Zoo was having a Homeschool Day with a nice little discount, we decided to go this week!  Neither Clark or Luci had any objections!

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

The Fort Worth Zoo is Beautiful!

The Fort Worth Zoo is a beautiful zoo.  There is so much foliage and greenery that even when it’s a hot day in Texas, you are often well-shaded.  There are also fan and sprinkler stations around every corner, if you need to rest and cool down.

Fortunately, the weather for us was perfect!  It was nicely overcast and at one point there was even some very light rain – just enough to cool things down and refresh us.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Every half-hour or so there were scheduled talks by Zoo Keepers at different locations throughout the zoo.  We didn’t make it to too many of them, but they were a great way to learn more about the animals.

Our Favorites Were the Gorillas, Monkeys, and Elephants

Clark and Luci’s favorite part of the zoo was seeing the gorillas, monkeys and elephants.  I think we hit nap time for the gorillas.  They were all resting, but Luci was delighted to find models of their skulls. She’s been fascinated recently with bones, so had an impromptu science lesson to talk about the difference in human and gorilla skulls and teeth.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Clark compared his height to a gorilla – I can’t believe how big he’s gotten all of a sudden!  He’s already over 4 feet!

This was my favorite part – we came upon a family of monkeys!  There was a Mom, a Dad, an older sibling and a young baby, which Luci quickly equated to “Mommy, Daddy, Clarkie and ME!”

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

An Adorable Monkey Family

The family interacted and played together so sweetly.  The mother was always close, watching and caring for the baby, who was completely adorable.  When the father and older sibling climbed up to a higher perch, the baby clasped onto it’s mother’s belly and they quickly climbed after them.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

We stayed and watched them for a while as they interacted and groomed each other.  I was wishing I had brought a longer lens for my camera!  They were adorable!

A Picnic Lunch

After a quick picnic lunch, we went to see the elephants.  Luci remembered them from visiting on her 2nd birthday and was really excited to see them again.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Two Baby Elephants!

How exciting to find that there were TWO young elephants!  They were so silly and playful, constantly running around, chasing each other, poking and teasing each other.  At one point, they were playing by their pool and one playfully pushed the other one in!  Then they swam around together.  It was fun to just watch them!

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

The Tigers Were Disturbing

I always love seeing the tigers.  I’ve always thought they were one of the most majestic, regal animals. This time, though, I was really disturbed watching them.  Yes, the Fort Worth Zoo is a beautiful place, but watching the tiger walk along a worn path, which he had obviously walked many, many times, his head down, slowly, almost lifelessly, I was so disturbed.  I found myself wondering how these magnificent animals end up here…

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

And why…

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

We Hung Out With the Birds

Clark, who’s recently been very interested in flight, was excited to see all of the birds.  We went into a very large cage where many birds were flying.  Clark decided that he was going to stand really still until a bird came and landed on him.  The poor, sweet boy, stood for the longest time, waiting…  but no bird landed on him.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Our final stop was a visit to the zoo aquarium.

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Turtles and fish of all sizes swam together in a massive pool where we could see above and below the water. Two turtles came by and stopped by Clark. They were nipping and playing with each other. Clark took some pictures with my iPhone before the turtles continued on their swim. I think he did a great job!

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo
Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

The kids were exhausted after a few hours, so we decided to leave.  This is Luci, leaving.  LOL!  As tired as she was she didn’t want to leave!

We’ll have to come back soon!

Field Trip To The Fort Worth Zoo

Don’t miss our other field trips to The Perot Museum of Dallas, and The Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas,

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