Happy Halloween From Elsa and a Wizard - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Happy Halloween From Elsa and a Wizard

Happy Halloween From Elsa and a Wizard

We had some awesome Halloween fun this week.  I’ll admit I was a little worried about my kids missing out on some fun traditions since they no longer attend a school, and I had to work a couple of days, but our week was full of activities that kept us very busy.

The Best Way to Decorate a Pumpkin

One thing we learned is that the easiest way to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween is to paint it!  Why have I been struggling with this carving nonsense every year?!  It’s a process that always starts off so exciting, with the whole family gathered around the kitchen counter and within about 5 minutes, everyone has dispersed and I am left with some slimy pumpkin seeds and an hour of manual labor.  So this year, we went the easy route.  I set the kids up with a pumpkin and some paint to decorate a Frozen pumpkin.

Happy Halloween From Elsa And A Wizard

Once we finished painting the pumpkin, I covered the top in some Elmer’s glue and the kids sprinkled glitter all over it.  They loved it, and I think it looks pretty good, too!

Our Halloween Costumes

For our costumes, Luci had decided at the beginning of the month that she was going to dress up as Elsa from Frozen – yes, along with every other girl in America, it seems. That’s ok! We all agreed that she was the most beautiful. Clark had finally, randomly decided that he was going to be a wizard. I didn’t have much luck finding a wizard costume, so I decided to make one. Just a fair warning – I am not a seamstress.

I started with a couple of yards of flannel – it was on sale for $2/yard. I figured it would kill two birds with one stone. It would serve as a sweater and a costume, since it was supposed to be cool in the evening here. I folded it in half, had Clark lay down on it (yes, he’s pretending he’s dead) so I could trace a robe shape around him. Next I traced it with sidewalk chalk, then sewed up the seams. I put some glittery trim around the sleeves, neck and front. Then I cut out some moons and stars in felt and sewed them on.

I made the hat is from a foam rectangle that I hot glued together, with some moons and starts glued added. His Dad made him a magic wand out of a bamboo stick he found in the garage. He added a couple of baubles and glitter on the end.

Why Do I Think This is so Funny?

Luci was super-excited to be Elsa, but she immediately goes into character when I pull out my camera. So this is Luci as Elsa. I can’t stop laughing when I look at her. She’s such a hilarious character.

Happy Halloween From Elsa And A Wizard

I tried to catch a candid picture to convey the excitement, but there seems to be a block when I have my camera out!  Luci finally couldn’t constrain herself and burst into a song of “Let it Go” while dancing and twirling around.  So sweet!

Happy Halloween From Elsa And A Wizard
Happy Halloween From Elsa And A Wizard

Happy Halloween from Elsa and a wizard!

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