How I Quit Diet Coke After a 20 Year Addiction - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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How I Quit Diet Coke After a 20 Year Addiction

How I Quit Diet Coke After a 20 Year Addiction

June 2015, is big deal to me. It’s the month I quit Diet Coke after a 20 year addiction to it. For 20 straight years, Diet Coke was all that I drank. I didn’t drink water, or juice, or coffee, or tea, or even Starbucks. I didn’t drink wine, beer, or any other alcoholic beverages. I drank Diet Coke. Two to three liters a day. All day. Every day. It was an addiction. A bad one.

I’d heard all of the lectures. I’d been scolded outright. I’d been discretely sent anti-aspartame articles by email for years by well-meaning friends and family. I’d been tagged on social media, with the vague hope of bringing me some enlightenment. I’d endured interventions and friendly counselling. All of this to help me realize the dangers of Diet Coke and to help me stop.

Believe me, I had tried to stop! Time and time again, I had decided “This is my last one!” Yet it didn’t happen. I specifically remember being on a vacation to Rome, Italy, surrounded by incredible architecture, art, culture, and food, and all I could think of was a freaking Diet Coke. I knew I had a problem!

This is Not a Case of “Knowledge is Key!”

Here’s the thing, people. This is a case where knowledge is NOT the key. Have you ever heard of an alcoholic who was surprised to learn that alcohol wasn’t good for them? Ever met a crack addict who was shocked to find out that crack wasn’t a great choice? You see, I knew of all the dangers of Diet Coke. I had read those articles, usually long before they’d been so thoughtfully sent to me. I’d read those articles and think “Yup. That’s some pretty bad stuff!” Then I would pour myself a tall glass of deliciously cold Diet Coke.

Until I could somehow integrate all that knowledge, I was not ready (or able!) to stop. And if I’m not ready to stop, it’s not going to happen. That little light switch needs to flip on in my brain. Then, and only then, is the change going to truly happen.

My Journey to Health

Several years ago, I began a journey to improve my health. I was in my early forties with a growing number of health issues, and I had decided that this was not how I was going to go down. My journey started with my introduction to essential oils, then expanded as I learned a healthier, more natural approach to everything.

This journey has led to many changes in my life, my health and my family’s lifestyle. It also led to a home-based business based on natural health and sharing essential oils. But one big thing was in my way. How could I authentically discuss natural health and wellness as I guzzled Diet Coke?! I knew that if I were to continue, I had to eliminate this vice from my diet.

How I Quit Diet Coke After a 20 Year Addiction

How I Quit Diet Coke Forever

One evening, the little light switch in my brain flicked on. It was late in the evening, long after dinner and I wasn’t feeling well, so I took my blood sugar. It was normal. I then drank 1/2 glass of Diet Coke. On a whim, I decided to check my blood sugar again. One hour later, I was shocked to see an increase of over 30 points. I had been struggling with blood sugars and it had never occurred to me that this drink would be causing the issue. I’m sure Diet Coke was not exclusively the problem, but I was suddenly so repulsed by Diet Coke and so horrified by the results of that little test that I decided then and there that I would never drink Diet Coke again.

Cold Turkey

Knowing myself, I had to do it cold turkey. I also had to have some replacements in place so that I wouldn’t capitulate. I dumped out the remaining Diet Cokes in the house that very night. No more. I was so mad! Mostly at myself for not considering that this would cause blood sugar issues, and for allowing it to consume me for so long.

The First Week

Day 1 was not a big deal. I don’t think my body had a clue what was about to go down. To change my focus, I spent some time trying to learn a little about how to be successful in quitting an addiction, and found some tools that might be useful. I tried gagging down some water, but I’m sure it wasn’t enough.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping

I don’t know much about EFT, or if it helped me or not, but the subject came up in my search for help, and I wasn’t about to say no to something that could be of benefit to me. After watching a video, demonstrating the technique and tried it. To be honest, I only did the process once.

On Day 2 the dull headache started, but it wasn’t too bad. I was having a hard time actually drinking water, which I knew would be important, so I doused myself in essential oils, including Lavender, Cinnamon Bark, Cedarwood, and Grapefruit, and began drinking an Apple Cider Vinegar drink. I know it sounds hideous, but it’s actually pretty good. It seemed to really help with the craving for Diet Coke and it kept the headaches to a dull roar. Here’s the recipe I used.

Crave-Crushing Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe

  1. Boil yourself a cup of tea. I like a nice fruit flavor or Hibiscus. I boiled about 10 oz then put in 2 tea bags and let them steep.
  2. Fill your cup with ice and pour the tea in.
  3. Stir in 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  4. Add stevia to taste. Mix well.
  5. Add a drop or two or your favorite essential oil (optional). I like any of the citrus ones.

By Day 3 the headache was viciously intense. There is nothing that will take away those headaches. I just wanted to roll into a ball in a dark room. Unfortunately I had to work a night shift, which made things even more unpleasant. I didn’t realize how dependent I was on the caffeine to keep me awake during my 12 hour shifts.

Day 4 came, along with another 12 hour night shift. The headache woke me multiple times as I had tried to sleep, so I was feeling pretty irritable. Despite the pain, the light began to show at the end of the tunnel. Benefits that I didn’t not expect began to show. I felt like my thinking was getting clearer. Even my vision seemed clearer, like the world was in a little better focus. Color seemed a little more vivid and food actually began to taste better.

Day 5 seemed to be a turning point. Although the craving for Diet Coke was a little stronger the headache began to subside and I felt 80% better than the previous days.

By Day 6 and 7, the worst was over. I had survived! Overall, I felt like I was emerging from a fog. I was feeling very encouraged, especially by all of the benefits I was experiencing. Most of all, I was so excited about how my blood sugars were responding. They were dropping significantly each day, closer and closer to the normal range. I was ECSTATIC!

Long Term Benefits

Three years later, I am happy to report that I have still not had a single drink of Diet Coke. There are times, especially when working a night shift that I still crave the crisp fizz of the drink, but I will never go down that road again.

There is freedom in overcoming an addiction. I used to feel panic if I didn’t have immediate access to a cold Diet Coke. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but it’s real. I now love water, and drink plenty of it every day. I’ve lost weight and no longer worry about the devastating effects that this toxic drink can have on my brain and body.

And hey – if I can do this, then you can too!


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