01 Nov How to Create a Paper Sloyd Key Tag
Today we will continue our paper sloyd series, by creating a paper sloyd key tag. Creating paper sloyd models is something that I started with my children several months ago, and it has turned into something that we really, really enjoy. For YEARS I put it off, thinking it was so complicated, and really didn’t seem to have a great purpose. We are now starting our second year of paper sloyd, and I have a very different opinion of it!
The second year of paper sloyd contains more complex models, and instead of using paper and scissors, we are progressing to new tools – the Exacto knife and cutting mat. These obviously require parental oversight, so, if needed, please ensure that this is in place before proceeding.

Materials Needed
If you are following along with the video below, here are the materials that you’ll need. Be sure to gather them up before you get started!
- The book, Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich
- A cutting mat
- An Exacto knife
- A ruler (metal is best, if you have it)
- A pencil
- A hole punch
- Some yarn or string
- Cardstock
Happy Handicraft Videos
If you are a homeschool group or family, our videos are made especially for you! Together with my school-aged children, we work through the projects alongside of you and your students. We don’t skip over the hard parts, and we don’t zoom through the slow parts – we work through each project in real time so that you can follow along without difficulty. We do the interpreting of the instructions, and the mistakes for you! Join us, as we make a paper sloyd key tag.
I hope you enjoyed this project! If you’ve been tempted to avoid the subject of paper sloyd, I hope that this can be of encouragement to you. Please refer to the blog post I’ve written about it – I delved a little deeper into the reasons why we do sloyd.
We are using our paper sloyd key tag as a book mark, because in our home, you simple cannot have enough book marks! What will you be using yours for?

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