How to Create Your Own Personalized Valentine - Joanna Cinnamon
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How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

How to Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

How about something a little different and a little more creative than the grocery store Valentine’s Day cards? Since we homeschool, we thankfully don’t have the need to do 101 Valentine’s Day cards, but this year, I thought it would be fun to send out something fun to the Grandparents, at least, just letting them know that we are thinking about them and that we love them.

I originally saw this idea on Teachers Pay Teachers, but I love anything digital, so I modified things accordingly.  The end result is a beautiful, brilliantly colored picture to send to your loved ones.

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

Step 1

Take a picture of your child pretending to blow kisses.  This should be a simple task, but surprisingly, it is not.  Getting just the right pose took a LOT of attempts!  A plain, white background is preferred but not required.

Step 2

I am a Photoshop fanatic.  I love what you can do with that program!  So I took the picture into Photoshop, made it’s black and white, erased the background, and blew out the whites.  There are a couple of ways to approach this – you can simply play with the levels or adjust the threshold.

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

Step 3

Choose the size of card that you would like to give.  I chose an 8×10 size.  Create a border if you wish.  Then position the image in the left or right third of the picture, depending on which way the child is facing.  Draw in some hearts, being blown from the child’s hand.

Step 4

Color in your Valentine Card!  I did mine digitally, because I love it.  I also printed out the black and white version for the children to color.  They thought it was pretty cool to be coloring a picture of themselves!

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

Here’s the process repeated for Clark’s Valentine.  Isn’t this fun?!  Now why not try it yourself!  When you do, drop by our Facebook Page to show it to us!  We’d love to see your results!

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

To This!

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

Try it! Then drop by our Facebook Page and and show us your results! We’d love to see! Here’s how ours turned out.

How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine
How To Create Your Own Personalized Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Want more Valentine’s Day craft and gift ideas? Try making Love Bug Essential Oil Diffusers, or Thumb Print Clay Essential Oil Diffusers!

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