How to Eat a Snail - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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How to Eat a Snail

How to Eat a Snail

No! Not a real snai!. You’ll never find a post for “How to Eat a Real Snail” on this blog. I promise. This post is “How to Eat a Cinnamon Roll Snail with Marshmallows.” That sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?

Clark’s fifth birthday is tomorrow, so this week we have been gearing up for the celebration!  At our preschool it is customary for the parents to bring a special snack for the class on their child’s birthday.  I’m terrible, but I don’t generally get involved in such things, but Clark is now at an age where he is quite aware of what’s going on.  He asked me last week if we could bring cupcakes.   Since we have decided on a bug and snail and ant theme for Clark’s birthday, I decided to make some Cinnamon Roll snails for the kids.  These are also ridiculously easy – a lot easier than cupcakes.  I had to hunt a little to ensure all of the products were peanut-free to accommodate some serious allergies in the classroom, but it was not a big deal.  

Here’s what you need

  • Chow mein noodles (or toothpicks) for the antennae
  • A package of cinnamon rolls
  • Mini marshmallows
  • A tube of black icing (or mini chocolate chips) 

They’re so easy to make!  Just cook the cinnamon rolls as directed on the package, BUT unravel the end of the roll to create the snail’s head.  While they’re cooking, I dabbed black icing on the marshmallows and stuck them on the end of a chow mein noodle.  Once the cinnamon rolls are cooked, let them set for about 10 minutes.  This is important so that the eyes don’t fall.  Once the cinnamon roll has hardened a little, stick the chow mein noodle into the snail’s head.  That’s it!

They were a huge hit and ever so cute!  Now, have you guys ever been into a preschool classroom???  These teachers seriously need medals.  I had about all I could take in the space of 15 minutes (and that wasn’t even waiting for the effects of the sugar!)

The irony of all this, is that I am so seriously repulsed by snails.  As I was walking out to my car to take the homemade snails to the school, this is what I found.  It’s almost as though it was nature laughing a little.  

Don’t miss Clark’s birthday festivities tomorrow! You’ll find all of the special moments HERE as well as our creepy, crawly picnic HERE.

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