How to Make a Clay Model of an Apple - Joanna Cinnamon
Clay modelling is one of Charlotte Mason's recommendations, and in this post (and video), we are tackling the clay model of an apple.
Clay Modelling, Clay, Apple,
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How to Make a Clay Model of an Apple

How to Make a Clay Model of an Apple

We’ve decided to tackle the book, A Manual of Clay Modelling by Hermione Unwin, with its 60 different models. We have no experience in clay modelling, so we’re entering into this experience with a little trepidation and some feelings of overwhelm. Are we crazy to commit to 60 models?

Our first model was an orange. The setup was almost as involved as the execution. The cleanup was even more involved. However, the process of clay modelling was absolutely enjoyable. For some reason, it’s soothing to have your hands in dirt and water. Clay modelling is also a fantastic way to express your creativity. There are no errors that cannot be fixed. And it’s a wonderful medium for all ages to enjoy.

In this post (and video), we will be doing the second model, which is a clay model of an apple. It’s obviously very similar to the orange, but with a few more ridges and indentations.

clay model of an apple

Materials Needed

Happy Handicrafts Video: How to Make the Clay Model of an Orange

Our second clay modelling experience went much quicker than the first. I initially was wondering how on EARTH clay modelling could be incorporated into a busy homeschool day morning or afternoon. I’ve been very surprised to realize that completing a model in the space of one hour is actually very do-able. And this includes the setup and cleanup! As a homeschool mom, these two things would often deter me from engaging in such handicrafts. I’m now of the opinion that having the children participate in the setup and cleanup is actually an important part of the process. Clay modelling isn’t just about the clay, it’s about so many deeper aspects of character development etc.

clay model of an apple
clay model of an apple

If you’re up to doing this along with us, I encourage you to read An Introduction to the Handicraft of Clay Modelling and How To Create a Modelling Board with an Armature for Clay Modelling. These two posts will get you most of the information you need to get started.

We look forward to you joining us on our YouTube Channel, Happy Handicrafts, where we share all of our handicraft videos!

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