How to Make a Clay Model of an Orange - Joanna Cinnamon
We are starting our Happy Handicraft clay modelling series. The first model is a clay model of an orange, so that's where we are going start.
Clay Modelling, Clay, Orange,
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How to Make a Clay Model of an Orange

How to Make a Clay Model of an Orange

We are starting our Happy Handicraft clay modelling series, with the plan to work through each model in the book, A Manual of Clay-Modelling by Hermione Unwin. We’ve never done clay modelling before, so we’re going to be learning about this as we go along. The first model in the book is a clay model of an orange, so that’s where we are going start.

Here are a couple of things for the teachers to enforce:

  • Make sure every student has their own modelling board with an armature, along with a sponge, a tool, sufficient clay, and a model.
  • Enforce neatness. This is an important part of the training and will have far-reaching impact.
  • Always start with creating a slab of clay on the clay modelling board, with its edges parallel to that of the board. This can be done with a tool or knife, so that it is done quickly. Most times this slab will be around the armature. Its size is going to depend on the size of the model, as the armature should never extend through the top of the model.

General Directions (taken directly from the book):

  1. Build up the mass of the object, making it smaller rather than large than the object, unless it is desired to enlarge it.
  2. Consider the proportions, the character, the general effect of light and shade.
  3. From time to time hold up the modelling-board on a level with the eye, with the object and the model on it side by side in the same position, and compare them from all sides.
  4. Observe the outlines as seen from all points, and the shape of the shadow case by the model on the board. Also the shapes o the individual shadows on the model.
  5. When the whole effect is fairly correct, put in the most noticeable details.
  6. Then the minor details.
  7. Give the texture of the surface, rough or smooth, etc.

Materials Needed

Happy Handicrafts Video: How to Make the Clay Model of an Orange

The book gives quite detailed instructions, so I would really advise getting it.

We really enjoyed our first clay modelling experience. If you’re up to doing this along with us, you may want to read An Introduction to the Handicraft of Clay Modelling and How To Create a Modelling Board with an Armature for Clay Modelling. These two posts will get you most of the information you need to get started.

We look forward to you joining us on our YouTube Channel, Happy Handicrafts, where we share all of our handicraft videos!

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