How To Make A Patriotic Firework Painting With A Fork - Joanna Cinnamon
Our holiday plans were rained out this year, so we decided to stay home and learn how to make a patriotic firework painting with a fork!
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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How To Make A Patriotic Firework Painting With A Fork

How To Make A Patriotic Firework Painting With A Fork

Happy 4th of July to all of our American Readers!  Our holiday plans were rained out and I was just coming off of a series of three 12 hour night shifts, so there wasn’t much activity going on at our house today.  Any time we are confined indoors, however, the children are always happy to experiment with an art project.  So today we learned hw to make a patriotic firework painting with a fork!

Here’s What You’ll Needed

This project is quick, simple and fun – because you really can’t mess up!  We gathered together black construction paper, paints, a plastic fork and a napkin for each person.  Clark and Luci each dropped dabs of paint all over their paper to their hearts content.

Then you simply use the fork to spread the paint out from the globs of paint.  They can be small or large. We found that the paint actually spread better when we used just one of the fork’s prongs.  We used the napkin to occasionally clean the fork, but the fireworks actually look better if they are made up of several different colors.

The results of these paintings are varied and unique.  Much to my children’s disgust, I made my own version but with Dandelions, or as Clark and Luci call them, Wishing Flowers in a grassy meadow.

Here are Clark and Luci’s Fourth of July firework paintings.  They’re still wet – we heard some fireworks outside and we ended up jumping into the car in our pjs and bare feet to watch a fantastic display just down the street from us.  The kids were squealing and laughing.  It made great memories for us all.

Have you ever made a painting with a fork?  It doesn’t have to be a firework. Try different versions of this craft, and share any ideas that you or your kids have – we’d love to hear them!

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