I Am Where I Am Supposed To Be - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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I Am Where I Am Supposed To Be

It’s my birthday today.  It’s the kind of birthday I love…  a quiet sushi lunch alone with my husband, afternoon activities with the kids, a fun cake and an evening with my family.  

As I get older, I tend to get reflective on my birthday.  I find it fascinating that I am never where I thought I would be.  Sometimes I am in a different country, sometimes at a new job, another child…  we never know what the future holds.  The great part however, is that it has always been perfect.  Everything that has ever happened in my life has led me to this moment in time and this moment couldn’t be better.  I am 42 and truly feel genuinely content and happy.  I truly believe I am where I am supposed to be and I am so excited, looking to the future.   

So Much to Look Forward To

What I am most looking forward to this year is embarking on our new homeschooling venture with Clark.  I can’t wait to spend more time with him, learning and having fun.  It will certainly be a challenge…  I am a little nervous as to how my patience is going to hold out, but I really believe it’s going to work out well.   

In the meantime, Clark and Luci are enjoying their little preschool.  Today they had an Easter egg hunt and brought home far too many candies.  

Let’s Make an Easter Bunny Cake!

Once they were ridiculously revved up on sugar, we decided to hijack the cake my husband had started to make for me.  Clark and Luci decided we should make an Easter bunny.  Since we had two 9″ round cakes, that worked perfect!  I used the first one for the head and cut the second one in three pieces.

With all of the pieces positioned and in place, we have an Easter bunny!  All that’s left to do is to smear icing on it (doesn’t have to be pretty) and cover it with coconut!  The kids had a ball doing this.  I think they like to “help” just so that they can sample the icing. 

We finished decorating with marshmallows and jelly beans.  The only thing we could find for whiskers were sticks of spaghetti.  Haha!  Happy Birthday to me!  I hope you love your life as much as I love mine! 

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