Learning How to Care for Your Family Naturally - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Learning How to Care for Your Family Naturally

Learning How to Care for Your Family Naturally

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE essential oils. As a nurse, I also love science. So it was very exciting for me to be able to attend an event this last weekend with Dr. Scott Johnson, “Caring for Your Family Naturally.” This seminar was all about how to achieve health and vitality in a natural way. Since I have been actively seeking out learning opportunities on how to care for my family in a more natural, healthy way, classes such as this are incredibly valuable to me. I’d like to share some of my personal notes from the class with you.

Using the support of research, Dr. Johnson outlined six practical ways to care for your family naturally.

Six Simple Ways to Care for Your Family Naturally

  1. Infuse the body with essential nutrients daily!  Nothing can replace the foundation of a healthy diet.  In addition, Dr. Johnson mentioned that supplements can be beneficial, especially a probiotic and Vitamin D.
  2. Balance emotions and stress.  One can achieve optimal balance when the mind, body, emotions and spirit are in balance.  Essential oils such as Lavender, Chamomile and Cedarwood are ideal to help achieve relaxation and relief from stress.  The Citrus essential oils can also be a powerful uplifting influence.
  3. Maintain proper hydration.
  4. Make physical activity a way of life.
  5. Minimize exposure to toxins and reduce their harmful effects.  Use natural products.  Create a healthy, chemical-free home by replacing harmful products with safe alternatives.
  6. Make natural products a part of everyday life.  Essential oils are a perfect alternative!

If you are interested in learning more, Dr. Scott Johnson is the author of Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails: A definitive guide to essential oils that could save your life during a crisis, a fantastic  book based completely on science, detailing how to manage health challenges using essential oils.  He has also written a second book, a follow up from the first, The Doctor’s Guide to Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails: The Ultimate Natural Medicine Guide to Preventing Disease and Living Longer which is being released on Amazon TODAY!!!  I’m off to get BOTH of these books and look forward to incorporating everything I have learned into our family life.

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