Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set - Joanna Cinnamon
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Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

Ever since we first discovered them, Clark and Luci have loooooved peg dolls. The only way I know to explain the obsession is to equate them to those old Fischer Price characters from the 1970s. I know – I’m dating myself. But do you remember them? They really were, in essence, peg dolls – they had no arms, no legs and I’m not sure that I ever even noticed! I loved them! I remember playing with them for hours. Well now, you can not only make your own peg dolls, but you can make your own peg doll nativity set!

The Children Wanted to Make Our Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

I first began making peg dolls for fun with the kids. I wanted a little creative outlet, and the kids loved the dolls. It started with making some to represent the stories we were reading, then some to help with homeschooling. Very soon, Clark and Luci had developed a massive list of requests that I could not keep up with. One of their requests, though, I loved.  It was to make a peg doll nativity.

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

I loved the idea, so without time to spare, I began painting a full nativity set just a few days before Christmas. I found a raggedy barn for a few dollars at a local craft store, which was just the right size for a peg doll nativity scene.

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

The Kids Made Their Own Versions

As I worked on the nativity, Clark and Luci painted their own Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They results were very interesting. Let’s just say the important part was that they enjoyed themselves and were able to find a creative outlet.

The painting can take several days to complete because one layer needs to be dried before moving on to the next layer (plus I work a full-time job and I have the attention span of a gnat). However, it all came together beautifully, and just in time.

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

I was able to get each character painted, dried and the sealant applied and dried by Christmas Eve. Each of the characters were a hit with the children!

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

Creating Memories

I set the nativity scene up and invited the children to play with it, just as I remember doing every year, while growing up. I hope this will become one of their Christmas memories as they grow older, too.

Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set
Make Your Own Peg Doll Nativity Set

If you’d like addition help in painting or coloring peg dolls, visit our blog post about it: These Little Pieces of Wood Have Us Pegged!

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