My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today! - Joanna Cinnamon
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My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today!

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today!

Happy Birthday Clark!

Clark just turned 5 years old and we had a wonderful day full of fun and family!  Not to make this all about me, but I always get a little emotional on Clark’s birthday because it is always a sweet reminder of how I became a Mother.  My pregnancy was a nightmare and Clark was born 7 weeks early.  He spend the first several weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  Those days were very, very difficult but so special.  I sat in the NICU every day, holding and loving him, both of us healing together.  Now, you would never know that he had such a rough start.  There is no evidence that he was a tiny little preemie 5 years ago. 

Big Plans for Today!

No school today!  Only play!  We started the day by opening a couple of presents before Daddy had to go to work. 

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today!
My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today

Luci got in on the action, too.  I’m not a big fan of giving siblings presents on another child’s birthday, but I thought she was a little young to understand why Big Brother was getting all of the attention today. 

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today!

Playing Outdoors is the Best!

When it warmed up a little, we got dressed to go outside.  Luci helped Clark unwrap a new pair of flip-flops.  Who knew flip flops were so exciting?   

We blew bubbles and caught them, chased butterflies and dragonflies, watched ants and spiders.  There’s so much to do when you’re outside!

Gattitown for the Win!

For Clark’s birthday dinner, we went to Gattitown, a pizza and gaming place in town.  We’d never gone to a place like this with the kids before and they loved it.  In fact, it was a challenge to get them to eat because Clark had already caught sight of the games and lights and action.  He couldn’t wait to play!

We played tons of games.  The kids rode on a carousel and on a flying ship “just like in the Tinkerbell book!”  We drove crazy motorbikes, playing arcade games and drew pictures until we were all worn right out! 

Time for Cake!

Time flies when you’re having fun!  When the kids were finished, we went back home to finish opening presents and to have some birthday cake.  Clark had asked for a bug birthday cake with a big snail on it, so I did the best I could. 

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today

We came up with a cupcake-snail, some gummi worms and turtles, a couple of ant hills and a few ants.  I made the snail shell out of a cupcake and for it’s head, I covered and Oreo cooking in icing.  To give the illusion of dirt, I covered the sides of the cake in ground up Oreo cookies.  I didn’t quite match my vision, but Clark loved it, so I’m happy.

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today
My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today

Luci didn’t know quite what to think.  I think she was rather confused as to why she wasn’t getting as many presents as her brother, but I think it’s good for them to learn that it’s not always about them.  I want them to find pleasure and joy in making others happy. 

As an extra special surprise, just as we were about to light the candles and sing “Happy Birthday,”  Grandma and Grandpa called for a video chat from Canada!  We were able to all sing together and watch Clark blow out his candles.  It’s as close as we can get to having them over for his birthday. 

My Sweet Little Boy Is Five Years Old Today

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! May all of your wishes come true!

Don’t miss the special treats we brought to Clark’s Preschool and our creepy, crawly picnic!

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