Navigating Construction, Circuits, And Forts - Joanna Cinnamon
Kids never get tired of building! I feel like I am constantly navigating construction, circuits, and forts.
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Navigating Construction, Circuits, And Forts

Navigating Construction, Circuits, And Forts

Kids never get tired of building, do they?  As I was going to bed last night, I tripped over an elaborate arrangement of blankets, toys and chairs in the hallway, which was apparently a gnome village of some sort.  As I peeked into Clark’s room, I see his room completely draped in more sheets and blankets.  I didn’t even dare to go in.  So I go to bed, deeply disturbed about the probable condition of my linen cabinet. I feel like I am constantly navigating construction, circuits, and forts.

Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts

I find this sort of thing around the house all the time. A tower made with wooden blocks that’s “even bigger than ME, Mommy!” Or a Lego castle, a pillow fort, a sheet tent… From the time Clark and Luci were babies, they’ve loved building things. If it weren’t for Homeowner Associations I have no doubt we would have a massive tree fort in our back yard.

Snap Circuits

We’ve been studying the classic children’s story, Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel as part of our homeschool program. The main character, Mike, works in construction, so we expanded on that subject a little. Clark had been given a Snap Circuits Jr. Electronics Discovery Kit for Christmas, and now seemed the perfect time to try it out.

Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts
Navigating Construction Circuits And

Clark was instantly fascinated. Luci, of course, came along for the drive, since she insists on participating in anything and everything that Clark touches. Thankfully, he’s usually pretty accommodating. Together we managed to create our first Snap Circuit, which turned out to launch a spinning wheel all the way to the ceiling when turned on.

Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts
Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts

His delight was clear, as he set off the spinning wheel time after time after time, even allowing Luci her turn. We went on to create several different circuits, including a firetruck and police siren that was activated by light.

Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts
Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts

Construction Fort

We continued the theme into the afternoon, by getting out the Discovery Kids Build & Play Construction Fort. It was one of those monthly specials at Aldi. It contains 72 pieces allowing the kids to build a variety of projects, from a tunnel, an igloo, a rocket ship, or today we made a castle.

Navigating Construction Circuits And Forts

Navigating Construction, Circuits, and Forts

I somehow ended up in said fort, covered in a sheet and and endured an attack of Teddy Bears. There is no record of this. It’s such a shame.

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