Preschool is Out Forever! - Joanna Cinnamon
Homeschool, Preschool
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Preschool is Out Forever!

Preschool is Out Forever!

Yesterday was Clark’s preschool graduation. Preschool gets out a little earlier than the elementary and high schools, thank-goodness!  I’ve been so excited for this day!  We started at this school as a Mother’s Day Out so Clark could have some fun playing with other kids. I was trying to work full-time night shift and somehow manage a newborn. We ended up staying with them because Clark loved it so much. Now here we are on our last day, and then preschool is out forever!

My Cameras Have Failed Me

My camera has died.  I can’t find the charger for my backup camera and the movie camera will not charge.  All THREE of these contraptions are REALLY GOOD cameras so needless to say, I AM DEVASTATED.   This, of course, has to happen the day of my sweet little boy’s preschool graduation.  I seriously want to vomit.  I am reduced to my cell phone camera, for which I am on one hand so desperately grateful and on the other hand so completely disgusted.  Hopefully, I will have my good camera back and functioning ASAP!   In the meantime, we have a little boy to celebrate!

Clark’s Preschool Graduation

We celebrated with an adorable graduation. They told us a little bit about each child. Clark was known as the “budding artist” and he said he wanted to be a “Police” when he grew up. Then there was a little reception with snacks and cake.

Preschool is Out Forever!
Preschool is Out Forever!

Graduation Party

The school had a big party planned for the kids and I was able to go and volunteer for a few hours.   It was fascinating to watch Clark interact with his schoolmates.  He’s so different from when at home.  I was told by one of the mothers that he is referred to as “the nice boy,” while the other boys are wild.  I laughed so hard.  He clearly restrains himself at school!   

Clark had a great time on the water slide and playing the games they had organized.

Summer Plans

Now it’s officially summertime!  We’re going to take it easy, but my innocent little children don’t know anything about taking summers off school, so I’m not going to be the one to tell them!  We are going to start by homeschooling year-round, taking breaks when it suits our family. To ease into homeschooling, this week we’re just doing what we’ve always done.  Clark does his math, reading and writing and Luci “works” alongside him.  Today Clark was doing addition, so I gave him some unfinished peg dolls as manipulatives.  Can you tell how much they enjoyed this???  After a couple of equations, everything “clicked” and he seemed to totally get it.  Another great use for peg dolls! 

One way I use to entertain Luci while teaching Clark is my Kindle.  There are tons of educational apps on it for kids her age, along with Netflix.  She is currently enjoying the Magic School Bus.  I love this series for them, as it is also really educational.  Clark loves to work (play) on Starfall, which I think is another great resource for learning at this age.  I need to keep things mixed up so they don’t get bored!

We are starting on a new venture. Preschool is out forever and homeschool is starting!

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