balance Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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balance Tag

I met the Oola Guys a couple of years ago at a company convention.  They were in the Expo area, where all day long they were busy sharing their message, their book, Oola, Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, and snapping crazy pictures with their fans.  I didn’t know what exactly their message was, I had never read their book and I was not a fan. However, I was curious and wanted in on the fun.  So, despite their resistance, I convinced a couple of my friends to stand in the line for a picture. It was at the end of a...

Do you struggle with balance?  Balance in your life, balance in your relationships, balance in your health and fitness?  How about in your career?  Your finances?  Your faith?  Even your time off? I struggle with this.  Maybe it is because of my personality…  I tend to be all or nothing in many areas of my life.  Black or white.  Hot or cold.  Yes or no.  It is  very easy for me to get distracted from all areas of my life when one area catches my attention.  Kind of like the dog from the movie “Up.” SQUIRREL! When I get excited about something, it tends to become my entire...