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If I would have fully understood what was involved in homeschool, I would guess that would have never undertaken it. I had not idea how incredible the task was. Since I began in ignorant bliss, I knew I had a lot to learn. I made it my responsibility to research as much as I could about the different philosophies of education, curriculum, styles, etc. Almost immediately, I was enamored with the Charlotte Mason approach. I began to look deeper into this philosophy. I was referred to For The Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan...

Several years ago, before my children were of school age, a friend who happened to be an experienced homeschooling Mom lent me the the book Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on The Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola. At the time, my son was in a preschool program, and I think my friend saw my growing struggle with the idea of sending him to public school. As I began reading the book, a whole new world started to open for me. The first chapter outlines the core concepts of a Charlotte Mason education. As I read through it, an excitement...