Bookmark Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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Bookmark Tag

YOU GUYS! WE DID IT!!! As of today, we have completed every single model from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich! Today we will be making a paper sloyd diamond-shaped bookmark, which is the 14th supplementary model - the 60th - and final model. I am so excited about this achievement because it represents YEARS of work, a massive amount of new skills, a ton of hard work. It has brought some beautiful creativity into our lives, and presented the possibility of so much more. We have absolutely loved...

After the difficulty and frustration of our last model, the paper sloyd doll house chair, we were more than relieved to find that today's paper sloyd rosette bookmark was fairly simple and quick to make. In fact we enjoyed it so much that we made THREE! After all, what homeschooler doesn't need a bookmark or two? Or three? Today we are making the 7th Supplementary Model from the book, Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. So, gather around, collect your supplies, and let's do some paper sloyd together! Our video below will walk...