childhood Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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childhood Tag

Kids never get tired of building, do they?  As I was going to bed last night, I tripped over an elaborate arrangement of blankets, toys and chairs in the hallway, which was apparently a gnome village of some sort.  As I peeked into Clark’s room, I see his room completely draped in more sheets and blankets.  I didn’t even dare to go in.  So I go to bed, deeply disturbed about the probable condition of my linen cabinet. I feel like I am constantly navigating construction, circuits, and forts. I find this sort of thing around the house all the time....

As homeschoolers, we have the unique opportunity to teach our children exactly what they need to be taught.  We are able to incorporate many subjects into their education that may have been abandoned or never addressed by the public school system.  I absolutely love that my children can experience the richness of the creative arts, music, cooking, the exploration of nature, physical education, even cursive writing while at the same time not missing out on any of the essentials! What I consider to be one of the essentials, has never been addressed in school.  To my knowledge, public schools have never taught...

Every once in a while you stumble upon this incredible idea, which is so great in it's simplicity that you seriously wonder why you never thought of it yourself.  This is one of those ideas.  It's not mine.  I came across it while spending my time wisely on Pinterest.   If you have kids, I know you've had this happen.  The kids want to play with bubbles, so you send them outside to play.  I would usually set the bubble container on a table or on the pavement and tell the kids to be careful not to spill it.  Like clockwork, not 30 seconds later, I hear...