Clark Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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Clark Tag

Happy Birthday Clark! Clark just turned 5 years old and we had a wonderful day full of fun and family!  Not to make this all about me, but I always get a little emotional on Clark's birthday because it is always a sweet reminder of how I became a Mother.  My pregnancy was a nightmare and Clark was born 7 weeks early.  He spend the first several weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  Those days were very, very difficult but so special.  I sat in the NICU every day, holding and loving him, both of us healing together. ...

No! Not a real snai!. You'll never find a post for "How to Eat a Real Snail" on this blog. I promise. This post is "How to Eat a Cinnamon Roll Snail with Marshmallows." That sounds a lot better, doesn't it? Clark's fifth birthday is tomorrow, so this week we have been gearing up for the celebration!  At our preschool it is customary for the parents to bring a special snack for the class on their child's birthday.  I'm terrible, but I don't generally get involved in such things, but Clark is now at an age where...