diffuser Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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diffuser Tag

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends! For some random reason this year, my children have become obsessed with Valentine's Day. For weeks now, they've been asking me, "When is it Valentine's Day, Mommy? When is it Valentine's Day?" They never mentioned a reason for asking, but I started to think that maybe I needed to step up my game a little to meet their expectations. This usually involves crafting, so we decided to make some Love Bug Essential Oil Diffusers for ourselves and our friends. Our Love Bug Essential Oil Diffusers are super simple, made with some clothing pins and pom-poms. I found some wide clothing pins...

Anyone here a fan of Valentine's Day? I stink at Valentine’s Day. I never know what to give my dearest husband, so his gift usually ends up being some awkward card. My kids, on the other hand, spend weeks creating all manner of Valentine’s Day crafts. I’m sure the intention is to give them to my husband and I on Valentine’s Day, but they never even remember to. I’ve seriously considered doing the same thing for my husband. For this Valentine’s Day, I thought I would be a little more organized, and take care of the parents’ gifts and the Valentine’s Day...

A diffuser is the best replacement for candles that you will ever find. I have been obsessed with candles my entire life. So much so, that when I was a child I invented a family Christmas tradition we called "Candlefest." On Christmas Eve I would light every single candle I owned. I would place them all around my bedroom in a twinkling display. I would then invite all of my siblings to my room. We would hang out, laugh and talk late into the night. We did this every year. Diffusers didn't even exist back then. My love for candles continued into my adult...