Dinosaur Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Dinosaur Tag

We are a homeschooling family and one of our favorite subjects is nature study. I’d been eyeing a local nature preserve for a while for its natural science museum, great trails and homeschool educational programs, but what finally pushed us to go was their Dinosaurs Live! exhibit. This is a series of 10 life-sized animatronic dinosaurs that move and roar at you as you walk along the exhibition path. The children absolutely loved it. Once home, after our visit, the children found a documentary on dinosaurs and were especially interested in the baby dinosaurs hatching from eggs. I love to get the kids...

We’ve been learning about dinosaurs for the past couple of weeks. We went on a field trip to visit a local nature preserve that had a display of animatronic, life-sized dinosaurs, which needless to say completely captivated the imagination of my children and we’ve been discussing these animals ever since! How cool are these? I mean, I was kind of fascinated, too! These dinosaurs moved, glared at you, roared, and even sprayed venom (maybe it was just water, but the kids were pretty sure it was poisonous) at us. We even had the opportunity to climb on them and check out their teeth! How...