elsa Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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We had some awesome Halloween fun this week.  I’ll admit I was a little worried about my kids missing out on some fun traditions since they no longer attend a school, and I had to work a couple of days, but our week was full of activities that kept us very busy. The Best Way to Decorate a Pumpkin One thing we learned is that the easiest way to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween is to paint it!  Why have I been struggling with this carving nonsense every year?!  It’s a process that always starts off so exciting, with the whole family gathered around...

We’ve been very excited for this day for a long time now!  Luci has been counting down the days for over a month!  Today is the day that my Baby Luci is turning three! We like to do themed birthdays and for the longest time, Luci couldn’t decide what she wanted the theme to be.  She wanted a pink Rapunzel birthday or a Frozen birthday theme but with a pink cake.  It’s all very serious and confusing for a little two year old!  She finally decided in the week before her birthday - she wanted a Frozen birthday with an...