Essential Oils Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Essential Oils Tag

I knew before we started homeschooling that there would be challenges.   Knowing myself and my children, I even knew what our biggest challenges would be!  Sure enough, I have not been disappointed… Why Did We Originally Consider Homeschooling? One thing that originally really compelled me to consider homeschooling was observing my son in his preschool environment.  While the rest of the kids would sit quietly, cross-legged in a circle listening to a story, he would be jumping up and down in the background, listening in his own way.  It was a loving and accepting school with very small class sizes, so the fact that my...

Summer is here! Down here in Texas that means lots of pool time, backyard BBQs, and Friday Night Football, but also crazy weather, violent thunderstorms, and lots of fireworks. While some of us Humans may welcome these things, thunderstorms and fireworks can be terrifying to our animals. Dogs especially find fireworks to be frightening because they are accompanied with vibrations, sudden flashes of light and a burning scent. Many dogs react by showing signs of fear and anxiety, many will even run away in a panic, to escape the noise. With the 4th of July soon upon us, I thought it may...

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends! For some random reason this year, my children have become obsessed with Valentine's Day. For weeks now, they've been asking me, "When is it Valentine's Day, Mommy? When is it Valentine's Day?" They never mentioned a reason for asking, but I started to think that maybe I needed to step up my game a little to meet their expectations. This usually involves crafting, so we decided to make some Love Bug Essential Oil Diffusers for ourselves and our friends. Our Love Bug Essential Oil Diffusers are super simple, made with some clothing pins and pom-poms. I found some wide clothing pins...

I love a good DIY. With two kids who love to get messy, a crafty project in the kitchen provides us with some quality time and entertainment. Our most recent project was to make kid-friendly, toxin-free air fresheners! Now, I'm going to be honest, I don't normally think: "Why don't we whip up some kid-friendly, toxin-free air fresheners?" I was really just thinking we'd make some salt dough ornaments because the kids love cooking and painting. But our project evolved into air fresheners and WE LOVE THEM! The Usual Salt Dough Recipe 2 cups flour1 cup salt1 cup water Mix the ingredients together in...

So you've got your Premium Starter Kit. You've fallen in love with your oils (don't worry, that's not weird) and now you are wanting to expand your inventory. I love to hear this, because it's a sign that you are achieving your health goals and your life is getting better! That's so awesome! But which essential oils are next? That's a rough question. Since incorporating essential oils into every aspect of our lives, choosing even the top 10 oils to try after the Premium Starter Kit is a challenge. It will also be different for every person and every family....

I'm not an expert when it comes to essential oils. In fact, since I began to use them several years ago, I have made a lot of mistakes. I did not have anyone to help me or to answer my questions, but I was determined to achieve the results that I knew were possible. Thankfully, I have experienced those results, and I want you to achieve your own health goals with essential oils. My hope is that if I share my top 5 rookie mistakes to avoid when using essential oils, perhaps you can finder greater success, even faster than...