family Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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When my children were still toddlers and preschoolers, I began to consider homeschooling as an option. I watched and studied homeschoolers and their lifestyles, hoping to get some insight. I witnessed many successful families that I respected and admired. There were other families that did not exactly inspire me. The families who had beautiful results, all seemed to have similar habits. These are the top 10 habits from super successful homeschoolers that I have observed, in no particular order. What is a Super Successful Homeschooler? But first of all, what is a super successful homeschooler? What...

Don’t you just love the Christmas Season? I grew up in a home that did the holidays right, so I have some great memories of my childhood Christmases. We never had a lot of money, but I never knew it around the holidays! My father would make a big production about getting a real tree – fake was out of the question. Then came the day-long struggle with the string of lights that had to be untangled and hung before the rest of the tree could be touched. As the children decorated the tree with our hideous school-made decorations and tinsel,...

From the moment I learned that I was pregnant with my second child, my thought and hope has been that my children would be best friends. Not just as children, playing together, but as they grow into the teenage years and into adulthood. I want them to forge a lasting, loving friendship that will provide each other with support and understanding when they need it most. We Have to Create Our Own Reality Having grown up in a very large family, I was more than familiar with sibling rivalry - the bickering and the arguing that goes on between siblings. I was...

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE essential oils. As a nurse, I also love science. So it was very exciting for me to be able to attend an event this last weekend with Dr. Scott Johnson, “Caring for Your Family Naturally.” This seminar was all about how to achieve health and vitality in a natural way. Since I have been actively seeking out learning opportunities on how to care for my family in a more natural, healthy way, classes such as this are incredibly valuable to me. I'd like to share some of my personal notes...

School is out and we are busy playing, creating memories and developing our first Christmas traditions. I grew up in a family rich in traditions, and although they are important to me, I want to create our own as a new family. Candlefest Christmas was a big deal in my childhood home. My Mom had a gift for making holidays special. On Christmas Eve, we would all work together to create a big feast to celebrate Christmas Eve. Once we had eaten, and my Dad had gathered us all around to read us the Christmas story from the...