Halloween Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Halloween Tag

It kind of felt like that Easter morning when my children came to tell me, giggling, that they didn't believe in the Easter Bunny. In fact, they claimed, they never did. While they were still toddlers, they apparently casually watched from their bedroom window as I got home from a night shift. I allegedly ran around the yard, hiding eggs in all sorts of places. They watched it all and never said a word. For YEARS! Although I do remember thinking how strange it was that they ran straight for the eggs and found...

I know that I cannot be the only Mom who worries about how to manage the Halloween aftermath. As we've become much more aware of what we are eating and feeding our children, the thought of my children downing buckets of candy on Halloween night absolutely horrifies me. My children are normally healthy and robust. I am blessed to say that we have not had a sick doctor visit in years. We are intentional about supporting our immune systems naturally. However, a recent experience brought me a reality check. Our family spent the night at a local hotel that housed a water park....

“Mommy when are we going to get a pumpkin to carve?” We are walking through the grocery store, past the massive display of pumpkins and the inevitable question comes.  Clark had been hounding me for weeks and I had put it off as long as I was able.  I was going to have to carve a pumpkin.  Now, I know that there are some folks who love this sort of thing (and to those people, I say: “Where on earth are you when I need you?!”), but I’m not one of them. In fact, there are few things in life that...

We had some awesome Halloween fun this week.  I’ll admit I was a little worried about my kids missing out on some fun traditions since they no longer attend a school, and I had to work a couple of days, but our week was full of activities that kept us very busy. The Best Way to Decorate a Pumpkin One thing we learned is that the easiest way to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween is to paint it!  Why have I been struggling with this carving nonsense every year?!  It’s a process that always starts off so exciting, with the whole family gathered around...