hamster Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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hamster Tag

It was about a month ago that we introduced you to our new, loveable pet hamster, Desirée. She joined our family as gift to Luci for her birthday, and has been charming us ever since. We have learned a lot since our first introduction, about hamsters, and how to help Desirée live her best life. Over the Christmas holidays, our little hamster was especially spoiled with big and creative gifts, delicious food and lots of play time. Desi Goes Glamping Desi likes the finer things in life. While we would have loved to take her on...

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be calling a rodent lovable, but here I am. If you follow along with our blog, you may remember a couple of months ago, we talked about How to Teach Your Child Responsibility Through Pet Ownership. My son had recently got some fish, and my daughter was wanting a pet of her own as well. She had decided on a hamster, so for her birthday we got her a new pet hamster, named Desirée. Luci Did the Research Owning a pet is a bit of a learning curve. Every...