handwashing Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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handwashing Tag

Actually, we are not going back to school – we homeschool, but handwashing is just as important in the home as in school.  In fact, if it is not taught and enforced at home, you can be quite sure that it won’t be happening while at school. This is our Yearly Refresher Course About a year ago, I had done this exercise with Clark and Luci (read the the blog post here) to teach them how to beat the bugs with proper handwashing.  They had both really enjoyed it at the time and they still vividly remembered it. I hadn’t planned on doing...

We have been studying the classic children’s book, Madeline, which served as an introduction to a series I wanted to do with the children on Health and Wellness. As a nurse, I am constantly teaching my patients about the importance of handwashing as a first line of defense against disease and dirt.  Of course this is also something that I taught my children as they were being potty-trained.  They began with perfect form – I was so proud of them!  But as the novelty of being allowed to “play” in the water wears off, so did the perfect form.  So I decided to...