holidays Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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holidays Tag

This New Year's Eve I worked at the hospital, bring new babies into the world. We paused at midnight and shared a toast with some sparkling apple cider in styrofoam cups. Super classy. When I had time for a break, I was able to sit down and read all of the texts sent to me from friends around the world. It struck me that everyone was celebrating New Year's with different traditions, some of which had me laughing out loud. There are many fun and unique ways to ring in the New Year, every country with its...

If you have never lived with a nurse, or had one in your family, you have probably never given much thought to this subject. You've probably never thought about what a nurse is doing on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years - or even on birthdays, the 4th of July, and Mother's Day. On these days, you're probably enjoying time with your family, celebrating and making memories together. Many times, however, nurses do not have this privilege. If you do happen to be close with a nurse, these are the times that you may be feeling their absence...

Don't you love this time of year? We just celebrated Thanksgiving, and we are now preparing and looking forward to Christmas and New Year's celebrations. This time between Thanksgiving and New Years is a special time. Like most other families, this is a time when we become more intentional about spending time with our friends and family - and especially our children. Spending time with our children is something that a homeschooler tend to do a lot of, but when a holiday rolls around, we get really serious about creating happy moments and memories. Our...