lifestyle Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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I'm not an expert when it comes to essential oils. In fact, since I began to use them several years ago, I have made a lot of mistakes. I did not have anyone to help me or to answer my questions, but I was determined to achieve the results that I knew were possible. Thankfully, I have experienced those results, and I want you to achieve your own health goals with essential oils. My hope is that if I share my top 5 rookie mistakes to avoid when using essential oils, perhaps you can finder greater success, even faster than...

I have never considered myself a “crunchy” or "natural" sort of person.  In fact, as a Registered Nurse for over 20 years, fully immersed into the medical model of thinking, I was quite scornful of anyone who would even consider alternative therapies.  I'm embarrassed to admit that never once did I ever consider that many of these natural options could possibly be effective! Never once did it occur to me that these time-tested solutions, handed down from family to family, friend to friend, for thousands of years could possibly be the answer I was looking for! What a shame that...

Yesterday was Clark's preschool graduation. Preschool gets out a little earlier than the elementary and high schools, thank-goodness!  I've been so excited for this day!  We started at this school as a Mother's Day Out so Clark could have some fun playing with other kids. I was trying to work full-time night shift and somehow manage a newborn. We ended up staying with them because Clark loved it so much. Now here we are on our last day, and then preschool is out forever! My Cameras Have Failed Me My camera has died.  I can't find...