natural health Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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natural health Tag

After over a year of staying at home, my family and I finally had the chance to travel. The kids wanted to go to the beach, so we headed to Florida for a little rest and relaxation. For the past several years, when travelling, we've chosen vacation rentals. I find you get personalized treatment, so much more for your money, and I love the fully equipped kitchen, laundry availability, and this time, the massive pool. This year, as we settled into our home for the week, our vacation rental gave us an unexpected surprise. For several years now, I have worked...

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE essential oils. As a nurse, I also love science. So it was very exciting for me to be able to attend an event this last weekend with Dr. Scott Johnson, “Caring for Your Family Naturally.” This seminar was all about how to achieve health and vitality in a natural way. Since I have been actively seeking out learning opportunities on how to care for my family in a more natural, healthy way, classes such as this are incredibly valuable to me. I'd like to share some of my personal notes...

A few months ago, in an effort to make our home a little safer and environmentally friendly, I wanted to start making my own laundry soap.  So I did some research, namely Pinterest, some bloggers and some DIY books.  Not so surprisingly, everyone announced that their recipe was the best.  I could find no agreement as to whether liquid or powdered was better…  it was all very confusing for a beginner such as myself.  I finally settled on a powdered recipe that seemed to be repeated multiple times throughout the blogosphere, and because it seemed to be one of the most simple recipes. ...