Paddle Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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Paddle Tag

Our reading of Paddle-to-the-Sea is such an interesting way to learn about geography!  We pulled out our map for Chapters 8 and 9, to follow Paddle's journey through the Great Lakes. Chapter 8 – The Largest Lake in the World In Chapter 8, Paddle drifts from the Nipigon River into Lake Superior, the largest lake in the world. The Great Lakes hold fun, childhood memories for me. I grew up near the Great Lakes and spent many days swimming in their beaches and playing on their shores. I remember looking out over the vast expanse of water and thinking to myself that...

Our Paddle-to-the-Sea unit study (Chapters 4-5) continues. Clark and Luci are completely engrossed in this book, as we explore all of the details and subjects that each chapter introduces. You can find our activities from Chapters 1-3 in our previous blog post on the subject. Chapter 4:  Brook and Beaver Pond In Chapter 4, Paddle gets temporarily stuck in a beaver pond, before breaking free in a flood. We decided to learn a little more about beavers. Since this chapter was about a beaver pond, we thought it would only make sense to try to make our own with its’ very own beaver...

I clearly remember, over 30 years ago, sitting in my elementary class, listening to the teacher read the book, Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling Clancy Holling. Her enthusiasm for the story was directly conveyed to us, her students, as we listen enraptured by the story of small canoe carved by an young boy, drifting through the Great Lakes out to the Atlantic Ocean. Imagine my excitement when I found this very book on the list of reading material for my children’s homeschool curriculum this year! I couldn’t wait to start our Paddle-to-the-Sea unit study! Our “unit studies” are perhaps a little different than others. My purpose with a unit study is...