paper bookmark Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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paper bookmark Tag

In our last blog post, How to Create a Paper Sloyd Bookmark, we showed our most recent Happy Handicraft video in our paper sloyd series. It was a very simple way to create a paper sloyd bookmark. I don't know about you, but in our homeschool, we read a lot of books, and we are always in need of bookmarks. These paper sloyd bookmarks are a lot nicer than the scrap paper I normally grab to save my place in a book! Or the piece of random plastic that I found my daughter using as a bookmark! We really enjoyed making these...

Have you been following along on our adventures? We've been working through the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. We've even created a YouTube channel, Happy Handicrafts, to record our progress, and we hope you can come and create with us! This week, we are working Project Number 7, which is how to create a paper sloyd bookmark or book corner. It's a fairly simple project, and one even the younger kids can enjoy. Paper sloyd isn't just simple origami. It has a much deeper purpose, which we delve into in...