parenting Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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parenting Tag

As homeschoolers, we have the unique opportunity to teach our children exactly what they need to be taught.  We are able to incorporate many subjects into their education that may have been abandoned or never addressed by the public school system.  I absolutely love that my children can experience the richness of the creative arts, music, cooking, the exploration of nature, physical education, even cursive writing while at the same time not missing out on any of the essentials! What I consider to be one of the essentials, has never been addressed in school.  To my knowledge, public schools have never taught...

We probably all know that single person – in their mid-twenties, early thirties – never married, no kids with a surprising amount of advice and judgment on how to raise children.  I’ve watched them with a giggle as they pass out advice on how to get kids to sleep at night, how to make them eat their veggies and how inappropriate it is to wear Superhero costumes to the grocery store.  I’ve watched Facebook feeds, with my mouth hanging open in shock, as these wise people tell their horror stories of witnessing a toddler meltdown at the mall and the disgraceful behavior of children at a restaurant.  I know...

Every once in a while you stumble upon this incredible idea, which is so great in it's simplicity that you seriously wonder why you never thought of it yourself.  This is one of those ideas.  It's not mine.  I came across it while spending my time wisely on Pinterest.   If you have kids, I know you've had this happen.  The kids want to play with bubbles, so you send them outside to play.  I would usually set the bubble container on a table or on the pavement and tell the kids to be careful not to spill it.  Like clockwork, not 30 seconds later, I hear...

Mondays are a killer for me.  I work full-time nights. That's 12 hours every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then I come home on Monday and try to manage my young children until my husband comes home from work. He will then take over so that I can sleep. Somehow I have to stay awake and functional until he gets home. So far, this is the only way we've figured out how to manage working full time and young children. A couple of years ago, we had an incident that convinced us that we did...