peg dolls Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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peg dolls Tag

Ever since we first discovered them, Clark and Luci have loooooved peg dolls. The only way I know to explain the obsession is to equate them to those old Fischer Price characters from the 1970s. I know – I’m dating myself. But do you remember them? They really were, in essence, peg dolls – they had no arms, no legs and I’m not sure that I ever even noticed! I loved them! I remember playing with them for hours. Well now, you can not only make your own peg dolls, but you can make your own peg doll nativity set! The Children Wanted...

I have just discovered peg dolls on Pinterest.  I've definitively had my share of Pinterest fails, but this is a win for sure!  As a crafty household, I can say with certainty, that these little pieces of wood have us pegged! Can you just imagine the millions of educational ideas, and hours of sheer entertainment for the kids!  I pinned about one million ideas, found a website that sells the unfinished wooden peg for pennies and immediately bought a box full.   From the moment I got them, the kids went crazy.  After quickly realizing I needed to take control or they...