preschool Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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preschool Tag

Luci has been waiting with great excitement to start back to her little Mother’s Day Out program this year.  She is going to be going two days a week.  For the first time, Clark will be staying home, homeschooling, and Luci will be going to school. I think it was a little surprising to her that Clark was not accompanying her this year, but she put on her game face. This year, she actually ended up with the same teacher, in the same room as last year.  I’m hoping this stability will help my sweet little girl become a little more familiar and relaxed in...

Yesterday was Clark's preschool graduation. Preschool gets out a little earlier than the elementary and high schools, thank-goodness!  I've been so excited for this day!  We started at this school as a Mother's Day Out so Clark could have some fun playing with other kids. I was trying to work full-time night shift and somehow manage a newborn. We ended up staying with them because Clark loved it so much. Now here we are on our last day, and then preschool is out forever! My Cameras Have Failed Me My camera has died.  I can't find...