probiotics Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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probiotics Tag

It's not easy to sift through the mountains of information when it comes to choosing a quality probiotic. The probiotic market is growing rapidly, and is expected to reach over $65 billion in the next 5 years. This is because more and more people are taking control of their health, and insisting on preventative measures rather than sick care. Even the medical and nursing fields are recognizing the contribution of probiotics. But how do we know which probiotic is a quality supplement? How can you make sure your probiotic is working? Probiotics are alive, but they are fragile little creatures and...

Over the past several years, science has come to realize that the bacteria found in our gut has an enormous influence over our genetic expression and our immune system. Meanwhile, we've been so busy buying antibacterial everything, trying to get rid of all bacteria, that we've failed to recognize why we all need probiotics in our lives! Throughout history, we've gotten the probiotics needed from the foods we ate. Foods were not GMO, the soil was better, and fermentation was used to keep food from going bad. When refrigeration was invented, along with agricultural and sanitation practices, many foods became essentially...

The first time I tasted kombucha, I almost spat it across the room. I know that kombucha is a fermented tea drink, but I honestly didn't expect it to taste like rotting garbage! Why on earth were all of my health-nut friends clamoring for kombucha, and I couldn't stand even the smell of it?! <>It must be me. So I set out to try all the different brands, searching for the holy grail of kombucha. It eluded me, my friends. It completely eluded me. No matter what the flavor was, I couldn't seem to get past the taste of ROT. The Benefits of...