traditions Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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traditions Tag

This New Year's Eve I worked at the hospital, bring new babies into the world. We paused at midnight and shared a toast with some sparkling apple cider in styrofoam cups. Super classy. When I had time for a break, I was able to sit down and read all of the texts sent to me from friends around the world. It struck me that everyone was celebrating New Year's with different traditions, some of which had me laughing out loud. There are many fun and unique ways to ring in the New Year, every country with its...

Don’t you just love the Christmas Season? I grew up in a home that did the holidays right, so I have some great memories of my childhood Christmases. We never had a lot of money, but I never knew it around the holidays! My father would make a big production about getting a real tree – fake was out of the question. Then came the day-long struggle with the string of lights that had to be untangled and hung before the rest of the tree could be touched. As the children decorated the tree with our hideous school-made decorations and tinsel,...

School is out and we are busy playing, creating memories and developing our first Christmas traditions. I grew up in a family rich in traditions, and although they are important to me, I want to create our own as a new family. Candlefest Christmas was a big deal in my childhood home. My Mom had a gift for making holidays special. On Christmas Eve, we would all work together to create a big feast to celebrate Christmas Eve. Once we had eaten, and my Dad had gathered us all around to read us the Christmas story from the...