Top 10 Essential Oils You don't Want to Miss - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Top 10 Essential Oils You Don't Want to Miss

Top 10 Essential Oils You don’t Want to Miss

So you’ve got your Premium Starter Kit. You’ve fallen in love with your oils (don’t worry, that’s not weird) and now you are wanting to expand your inventory. I love to hear this, because it’s a sign that you are achieving your health goals and your life is getting better! That’s so awesome! But which essential oils are next? That’s a rough question. Since incorporating essential oils into every aspect of our lives, choosing even the top 10 oils to try after the Premium Starter Kit is a challenge. It will also be different for every person and every family. I’ve put together a list of my family’s top 10 essential oils that that you don’t want to miss.


Several years ago, this mysterious gem used to come in the Premium Starter Kit. When I got mine, however, I had no idea how to use it, so it stayed in my kit for months. MONTHS! I was an idiot. I eventually made a decision to learn every oil in the kit and began to read about Valor and to use it. It is now one of my favorite oils, and is on my Essential Rewards order every single month.

Valor was originally created by Gary Young, Young Living’s founder, as a form of liquid courage. The essential oils found in Valor are historically said to be used by the Roman soldiers before they went into battle. The soldiers would bathe themselves in the oil and claimed that it gave them courage. Gary made his own version of this in 1990 when he was called to court by the IRS. At the time, he was unable to afford representation, so he was forced to represent himself in court. I cannot imagine how daunting this must have been! The night before the hearing, he made the oil, and bathed in it. He presented his case and all points were dropped against him.

When I learned about this, I began using Valor when faced with any physical or emotional challenge, including exams, presentations, certain social situations, and job interviews. I found it to be incredibly positive, grounding, balancing, and empowering.

Peace & Calming

There are many essential oils that create a calm, relaxing environment, but Peace & Calming is special. It was originally made for children, but the truth is, it’s just as beneficial for us parents as well. It’s very calming, so it is the perfect oil to diffuse in the evenings and into bedtime. I put it in my children’s diffusers at night, and will rub a little into their feet before going to sleep. We have a big road trip coming up and I plan on diffusing Peace & Calming along the way.


Joy is another essential oil that used to be in the Premium Starter Kit. I quickly came to witness the uplifting effect of Joy essential oil in our home. My daughter used to wake up like an angry bear. Every morning I would hear her slam her feet into the ground and march from her room to mine, stomping the entire way. Then she would plant herself in front of my face and demand to know what day it was. I decided to add a drop of Joy to her diffuser at night and the stomping morning routine was suddenly gone. Now, she is a ray of sunshine in the morning. The difference is dramatic. Joy definitively has a magnetic energy that is meant to bring happy feelings of rejoicing to the heart, mind, and soul. It will also inspire romance, so consider yourself warned!

Top 10 Essential Oils You Don't Want to Miss


Oregano is an incredibly powerful essential oil. I learned this the hard way when I was new to essential oils and actually allowed myself to run out of Thieves at a time that it was most needed. I mean WHO DOES THAT?! While waiting for my order of Thieves, I diffused Oregano, and was really impressed with the results. It puts off an intense pizza smell, but is that really a bad thing?

Citrus Fresh

Citrus Fresh is a combination of several of the citrus oils and Spearmint. How can that not smell amazing?! It is uplifting and refreshing to diffuse, and has a host of uses and benefits. It can help with mental focus and alertness, it can help to with the appearance of healthy skin, and is a great addition to any DIY cleaner. Be sure to look up the constituents of limonene, beta-pinene and linalol, which are found in Citrus Fresh. I have been using it for years, applied over my forearm to help maintain a normal, healthy blood pressure.

Aroma Life

Aroma Life is a life-changing essential oil for me, that I will never be without. I use it over my heart every morning and apply it to pulse points as needed throughout the day.

Top 10 Essential Oils You Don't Want to Miss


Cedarwood is an essential oil that contains high levels of sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes are incredible compounds that carry oxygen into cells and stimulate the limbic area of the brain, affecting emotions and memory. It has the ability to smooth the look of skin and shine hair, so add it to your beauty routine, and shampoo. I find it incredibly calming, so I add it to my diffuser at night.

White Angelica

I have, unfortunately, had the distinct displeasure of working in a very negative environment. This is where I learned the value of White Angelica. At the time, I was still fairly new to Young Living, and was a HUGE skeptic, but I was willing to try anything. Every night when I went to work, I would apply White Angelica over my entire body, over my scrubs. The oil creates a frequency around you, that makes you feel like you are surrounded in a gentle protective cocoon. It screens you from dark or negative energy, which is often needed in crowded places or in negative environments. This was initially a little “out there” for me, but once I started using it, I will not be without it!


I like to alternate Raven and RC. Like RC, which comes in the Premium Starter Kit, Raven is very soothing when rubbed on the chest or diffused.


I once heard that when Gary Young was asked which oil he would want to have if he was stranded on a deserted island, he responded with Helichrysum. Not knowing anything about the essential oil, I began to look into it and then ordered it. Helichrysum is not an oil I use everyday (although it is in blends of essential oils that I use everyday), but it is one that I make sure is always in my stash.

What are your top 10 oils you don’t want to miss?

Your choices will not be the same as mine, as we all have different health goals. But, whatever choices you make, make it your goal to do your research. Learn about these essential oils and the value that they can have in your home, so that can take full advantage of your investment!


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