Top 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Using Essential Oils - Joanna Cinnamon
Mistakes are only opportunities to learn more and do better. I hope that if I share my top 5 rookie mistakes when using essential oils, perhaps you can avoid some of them.
essential oils
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Top 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Using Essential Oils

Top 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Using Essential Oils

I’m not an expert when it comes to essential oils. In fact, since I began to use them several years ago, I have made a lot of mistakes. I did not have anyone to help me or to answer my questions, but I was determined to achieve the results that I knew were possible. Thankfully, I have experienced those results, and I want you to achieve your own health goals with essential oils. My hope is that if I share my top 5 rookie mistakes to avoid when using essential oils, perhaps you can finder greater success, even faster than I did.

Mistake #5: Touching the Orifice Reducer

Each bottle of essential oil has a clear or white orifice reducer inserted into the bottle opening. The purpose of the orifice reducer is to allow just one drop of essential oil to escape at a time, or in other words, it is to keep your valuable oil from flowing out all at once. It is best to never touch the orifice reducer with your finger. First of all, it’s not sanitary. Each time you touch the orifice reducer with your finger, you are introducing the chance for contamination. Secondly, when you hold the orifice reducer against your finger, you are not getting a full drop of oil. As a beginner, we tend to be stingy with our oils. Don’t be stingy! You need a whole drop. Or two! Or three! Remember Psalms 133: 2 – “It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes.” That’s a lot of oil!

Mistake #4: Not Experimenting

Don’t get stuck in a pattern of using the one or two essential oils that you are comfortable with. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your oils and with the different ways of using them! When I first started with Young Living, I would diffuse Lavender at night and I would use Thieves on the bottom of our feet. That’s it! I had no idea what the other oils were for and had no idea how to use them. I was missing out on so much! When I finally began to experiment, I discovered a whole new world of real health and vitality!

That being said, always be sure to use your essential oils according to the label and instructions. Consume the Vitality oils, diffuse according to instructions, and apply topically as appropriate. You will learn a lot as you experiment!

Mistake #3: Hiding Your Essential Oils

We are instructed to keep our essential oils in a cool, dark place. This is wise and important advice because essential oils can be affected by light and heat. However, if you hide your essential oils in a drawer or anywhere that is not immediately accessible, you will not make full use of them. I promise.

From personal experience, using essential oils takes a change in thinking. For a long time, it did not occur to me to use my oils on a regular basis. I eventually realized that if I was to see the results that I was looking for, I needed to use them much more consistently and frequently. So I bought a nail polish holder (the perfect size to hold Young Living essential oil bottles), filled it with my oils and placed it on my kitchen counter. This way, I would see them and use them regularly. This helped to create a shift in my mindset, and oils became a integral part of my routine.

Mistake #2: Not Buying a Reference Guide

I don’t know about you, but when I got my Premium Starter Kit, I did not know one thing about essential oils. Because of this, I knew a reference guide was imperative. There was honestly no way on earth that I could possibly know how to use my oils without my reference guide. I carried it in my purse and referred to it for everything. I know it is often easier to call or text your Enroller or Sponsor, but their answer will most likely be their own experience. Everyone’s reactions and responses to essential oils are different, so do your own research. There are plenty of reference guides and apps that will be of incredibly value to you. Don’t waste your investment in essential oils by not buying a reference guide.

Mistake #1: Treating Your Essential Oils Like a Pill

My biggest mistake when starting with essential oils was to treat my oils like they were a pill. As a nurse, I was steeped in the pharmaceutical mindset, using a pill to treat every symptom as it arose. Essential oils are not pharmaceuticals and should not be used as such. We use pharmaceuticals for sickness and disease. Essential oils are to be used for health and wellness. So don’t wait to pull out your essential oils when you are sick! Use them when you are well! Use the oils to support your health so that you do not need them for sickness! If you use your essential oils consistently and regularly, you will find that you will experience a level of health that you had only dreamed of achieving!

Mistakes are only opportunities to learn more and do better. Fortunately, although initially very intimidating, essential oils are very forgiving. Despite making each of these top 5 rookie mistakes, I have experienced incredible results and you can too!


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